Hey it's me again, and I'm going to be talking about my Weavile/Exeggcute deck I have been toying around with, and then I thought what better name then the famous meme: http://i.chzbgr.com/completestore/2012/2/29/cc69242b-c1d0-4671-9337-13fedf64d968.jpg but nevertheless, let's get to the list:
3 Weavile PLF
1 Weavile NXD
3 Sneasel PLF
1 Sneasel NXD
4 Exeggcute
2 Electrode
2 Voltorb
2 Sableye
2 Shaymin BCR
1 Mr. Mime
4 Professor Juniper
4 N
2 Bianca
1 Colress
1 Caitlin
1 Random Receiver
4 Pokemon Catcher
3 Ultra Ball
3 Level Ball
3 Dark Patch
2 Silver Bangle
1 Dark Claw
1 Super Rod
1 Computer Search/Dowsing Machine
8 Darkness Energy
If you've seen this deck before, you should probably know how this deck works so I will just focus on some interesting techs.
Weavile NXD has an interesting attack called Dark Penalty that does 90 damage for a single Darkness energy. The drawback of this is pretty high as you can expect but it is the defending pokemon has to have a tool attached to it. With insane tools coming into the scene from PLB, this card motivated me to rebuild my Weavile/Eggs and could prove to be quite the underdog in this format. I mean of course the fact that it's a stage 1 does severely pull you away from it, but then I thought, there's already a tier 2-2.5 deck that features Weavile as one of it's cards, so this card can attack while I "lay eggs" and just slides right in the place of a 4th Weavile in which when I was playing this deck before, i played a 4-3 line. This card did shy me away from Tool Scrapper, but, in all honesty, there wasn't much my Tool Scrapper could do against the upcoming metagame.
1. Silver Bangle is a dud card against me due to me not running a single EX.
2. G-booster is useless since you can OHKO anything with Megalo Cannon.
3. Silver Mirror is a delicacy for my Weavile NXD, Silver Mirror will be used with Quad Sig and Suicune, but Quad Sig will be the dominant one due to weakness and resistance advantage to Suicune. And since sigilyph may it be the toolbox or the safeguard, Weavile OHKO's both. So if Quad Sig or Trubbish get popular, these will be ideal match-ups.
Overall, Tool Scrapper makes a 61st card slot.
Another thing you might've noticed is the Shaymin BCR. This card is just like Emolga but better weakness and one retreat cost. This card is up in the air since I have not got it in my opening hand very much. But IMO, it's more important to get the Electrode out than Weavile (at first) since it will make your setup immensely faster. This also gets the pokemon on the bench meaning that income next turn, you can evolve it. Also, the one retreat cost is better than the 0 retreat due to the energy going to the discard and can be dark patched back. The only con is, I really don't think you want to bench an exeggcute.
If any other card convinced me to bring back this deck rather than Weavile NXD, it was Silver Bangle. this makes the road to that 180 that much closer, this lets me do this with only 5 pokemon. (with 3-4 of them being in the form of exeggcute I hope) I did consider running HypnoBank in here so 180 can be done in 4 pokemon, but that was overkill and the deck needed more consistency.
1 Super Rod was a little awkward but learning that the official ruling for this card is if you have 3 or more energy and pokemon in your discard pile, you must take 3 (including exeggcute), this severely made me doubt this card. I mean you can just propagate to limit it to 2 cards or so, but, this leads to screwing up the order of things. But overall, it makes the 61st card slot.
Anyways, enough on that, any help is welcome.
3 Weavile PLF
1 Weavile NXD
3 Sneasel PLF
1 Sneasel NXD
4 Exeggcute
2 Electrode
2 Voltorb
2 Sableye
2 Shaymin BCR
1 Mr. Mime
4 Professor Juniper
4 N
2 Bianca
1 Colress
1 Caitlin
1 Random Receiver
4 Pokemon Catcher
3 Ultra Ball
3 Level Ball
3 Dark Patch
2 Silver Bangle
1 Dark Claw
1 Super Rod
1 Computer Search/Dowsing Machine
8 Darkness Energy
If you've seen this deck before, you should probably know how this deck works so I will just focus on some interesting techs.
Weavile NXD has an interesting attack called Dark Penalty that does 90 damage for a single Darkness energy. The drawback of this is pretty high as you can expect but it is the defending pokemon has to have a tool attached to it. With insane tools coming into the scene from PLB, this card motivated me to rebuild my Weavile/Eggs and could prove to be quite the underdog in this format. I mean of course the fact that it's a stage 1 does severely pull you away from it, but then I thought, there's already a tier 2-2.5 deck that features Weavile as one of it's cards, so this card can attack while I "lay eggs" and just slides right in the place of a 4th Weavile in which when I was playing this deck before, i played a 4-3 line. This card did shy me away from Tool Scrapper, but, in all honesty, there wasn't much my Tool Scrapper could do against the upcoming metagame.
1. Silver Bangle is a dud card against me due to me not running a single EX.
2. G-booster is useless since you can OHKO anything with Megalo Cannon.
3. Silver Mirror is a delicacy for my Weavile NXD, Silver Mirror will be used with Quad Sig and Suicune, but Quad Sig will be the dominant one due to weakness and resistance advantage to Suicune. And since sigilyph may it be the toolbox or the safeguard, Weavile OHKO's both. So if Quad Sig or Trubbish get popular, these will be ideal match-ups.
Overall, Tool Scrapper makes a 61st card slot.
Another thing you might've noticed is the Shaymin BCR. This card is just like Emolga but better weakness and one retreat cost. This card is up in the air since I have not got it in my opening hand very much. But IMO, it's more important to get the Electrode out than Weavile (at first) since it will make your setup immensely faster. This also gets the pokemon on the bench meaning that income next turn, you can evolve it. Also, the one retreat cost is better than the 0 retreat due to the energy going to the discard and can be dark patched back. The only con is, I really don't think you want to bench an exeggcute.
If any other card convinced me to bring back this deck rather than Weavile NXD, it was Silver Bangle. this makes the road to that 180 that much closer, this lets me do this with only 5 pokemon. (with 3-4 of them being in the form of exeggcute I hope) I did consider running HypnoBank in here so 180 can be done in 4 pokemon, but that was overkill and the deck needed more consistency.
1 Super Rod was a little awkward but learning that the official ruling for this card is if you have 3 or more energy and pokemon in your discard pile, you must take 3 (including exeggcute), this severely made me doubt this card. I mean you can just propagate to limit it to 2 cards or so, but, this leads to screwing up the order of things. But overall, it makes the 61st card slot.
Anyways, enough on that, any help is welcome.