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King Ccino


Aspiring Trainer
4-1-4 Kingdra Prime
4-4 Minccino
3 Zekrom
1 Pichu
1 Cleffa
2 Tornadus
3 Pokemon Catcher
3 Junk Arm
4 Rare Candy
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Pokemon Communication
4 Cheren
4 Professor Oak's New Theory
4 Rescue Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
2 Water Energy

This is a basic build of the standard Mindra deck and as with most builds of this deck the main purpose is to get Minccino out and do the wave to your hearts content while sniping with Kingdra Primes on your bench. I put Zekrom in because he helps me buy time if need be or can be subbed as my main attacker. Tornadus is there to help against the Donphan matchup and like Zekrom, because he is a basic both Collector and Pichu can pick him up out of my bench. I was also considering some Plus powers except I am not sure which card to take out for it.

When Noble Victories becomes legal I have considered swapping the Tornadus out for the uncommon Cryogonal because he OHKO's Donphan prime which is something Tornadus can't. I have also considered using Kyruem instead of Zekrom because I can make use of Glaciate with the addition of a few more water energies.
Can you organize your decklist better? It's kind of hard to read what cards you're running with everything so clumped.

Anyways, why no Juniper? Juniper is a great card in this deck, simply because this is a rush deck.

-2 Zekrom
-1 Cheren

+3 Professor Juniper

To be honest, I'm not sold on Zekrom. CinDra is a rush deck, so the idea of the deck is to setup very quickly and start slamming your opponent. The deck very rarely sets up slowly (but I guess that depends on the list/start), and to be honest, Zekrom just doesn't really fit in this deck. One copy of Cheren could also be replaced with Juniper.
Zekrom is terrible. As is Tornadus. they are only bad starts and get in the way.

You need at least 3 seadra to have a chance against goth.

Play more water energy and at least one more energy.
Here's what i would do:
-1 rare candy(four is a little too much)
-3 zekrom(zekrom really isn't needed in this deck)
-2 tornadus(the same with zekrom)
-1 cheren(four really isn't needed)
-1 collector(three in my opinion is fine)
-1 communication(you can reuse them with junk arm)

+2 seadra(this will increase your chances of getting a kingra under trainer lock, plus if they catcher up your seadra and KO it, you have to rely on rare candy)
+1 energy search(you never know when you are going to need a water energy)
+2 water energy(this will increase your chances of getting one when you need it)
+ 2-2 Zoroark(if you are running double colorless, you can just throw this in, plus this is an easier way to kill zekrom/ reshiram)

Hope i helped =)