The idea of this deck is to stall with suicune to build up Kingdra and Greninja. Greninja to use sniping to build up Kingdra's attack. I know its alot of pokemon but couldn't make it less. any advice would be appreciated. I also thought this might be a fun one for my 6 year old son.
3 Kingdra
1 Frogadier
3 Froakie
2 Suicune
3 Greninja
3 Seadra
3 Horsea
2 N
4 Ultra Ball
2 Professor Sycamore
2 Colress
4 Rare Candy
2 Professor's Letter
4 Shauna
2 Silver Bangle
2 Switch
4 Skyla
2 Double Colorless Energy
12 Water Energy
The idea of this deck is to stall with suicune to build up Kingdra and Greninja. Greninja to use sniping to build up Kingdra's attack. I know its alot of pokemon but couldn't make it less. any advice would be appreciated. I also thought this might be a fun one for my 6 year old son.