kingdra. thats it.

lrn2/ play Kingdra.

Aqua Upstream isn't your primary attack. It's a last ditch attack for when you need a big hit. Dragon Pump is the focus- discard Water Energies (preferably), consistently hitting for 60, and more importantly, a 20 snipe. When you run out of stuff to discard, Aqua Upstream all of your energies (well, as many as necessary) back into your deck. The real power of Kingdra is it's speed- it can do all of that for one or no energy, meaning you can power up multiple Kingdra extremely quickly. Or, just read Lou's article.

That being said, I don't particularly care for Kingdra, and have never played with it. But if you think a card doesn't live up to the hype, give a good reason why you think it doesn't. :/
i just figured that it would be the next gardygallade deck before i saw what it did.:( thats how much my friends talked about it
It is crazy overhyped, true, but it's still powerful. Try fighting against a good Kingdra deck or two, and seeing how they work. That might change your mind.
i use leafeon as my main deck and i never lose to kingdra. My leaf guard and resistance combo gives me a -40 to kingdra. that makes it really hard to kill. It is also not hard to get my t2 leafguard. all i have to do is t1 candy into leafeon.
then t2 level up and energy forcing.

True they can stop my energy forcing with kazam but when i add Sceptile to the equation, the leafeon is unstoppable, (by kingdra).
Its NOT going to be the next Gardyllade - there's too much other good stuff around for that. But think of it as Banette Ex in the DX-On format. Its stupidly powerful, yet there are ways to get around it. And Banette Ex had to cope with several other Top Tier decks as well (Flariados, Metanite, R-Gon, etc etc). Kingdra will have to cope with several other decks as well.
How is it 80? 80 cumulated? I think it's not bad, but Yanmega can do more with NO Energy.
kiingdra is good but i don't think it's very good T1-2 because then you have to discard your hand and you can't do anything else
Dudeman1993 said:
How is it 80? 80 cumulated? I think it's not bad, but Yanmega can do more with NO Energy.
Yanmega does, at most, 60, but it's all spread out.

elekid957 said:
kiingdra is good but I don't think it's very good T1-2 because then you have to discard your hand and you can't do anything else
leafeon is like a 60-40 for kingdra the fact that resitence doesnt apply on the bench kills you so im going do 60 to 2 leafeon while you knock out only 1 kingdra. And t1 leafeon lol youre going to destroy your hand that way but whatever.