Kingdra wins Seniors in Gautier, Mississippi


Kingdra Player!
Okay, well I was using Kingdra. I pulled something off I always wanted to do, and won the whole thing, so a very fun day it was!

First match: Kingdra/Blastoise/Floatzel
Winner: ME
This one ends fast. We both start with UL Horsea. He goes first, attaches an energy, uses Beat, and I go. I attach an energy and expert belt and Beat for 30. He goes, attaches another energy, and Fin Smacks for 20. I go, BTS, Seadra, Kingdra Prime, Dragon Steam for 80. gg

Second match: T-Tar Prime/ Steelix Prime
Winner: ME
He couldn't draw anything. At the end he has Mountain Eater Larvitar active and Boost Gas Pupitar on bench with 4 energy. I Warp Point to Kingdra Prime and he sends up Pupitar, I kill. He passes, and I kill again.

Third Match: Mightyhena
Winner: ME
I pull off something I always wanted to do. He starts off Sableye active and Lucario GL on bench. I start off Unown Q(thank goodness he didn't draw an energy!). I go, use Poke Drawer for a LA Horsea and a Water energy. I then use my Pokemon Communication for a Kingdra Prime. I bench Horsea, attach energy, Rare Candy to Kingdra Prime, then retreat Unown Q. Then I do a SEEKER DONK!

Then I go to top cut against the same Mightyhena deck as before.
First match:
Winner: ME
He starts with Sableye and I with a Horsea. He Impersonates and I go. Rare Candy Kingdra Prime Water energy GG.

Second match:
Winner: Opponent
Same start as before, but he attaches a Special Dark to Sableye and wins first turn.

We finished our first 2 games and shuffled in 6 minutes!
Final Match:
Winner: ME
The main reason I win is because he misplays 3 times in a row. He forgot to Poison Structure 3 times, so I kill off his Mightyhena, so gg my friend.
Why do you use Horsea UL as Horsea LA is a little better without the harsh weakness and you have 50/50 chance of not getting damaged.Congradulations though.