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Kingdra/Yanmega/Roserade (HELP)


Aspiring Trainer

3-3 Yanmega Prime (TR)
3-1-2 Kingdra Prime (UL)
3-3 Roserade (UL)
2 Virizion (NV)
1 Cleffa (COL)

T/S/S: 24
3 Junk Arm
2 Pokémon Catcher
3 Rare Candy
1 super rod
4 Pokémon Communication
4 Judge
1 Prof. juniper
1 N
1 Twins
3 Pokémon Collector

8 Grass
4 Rainbow
3 Rescue

Strategy: Try to get out a Yanmega Prime by turn 2 along with a Roserade by either T3 or T4 to disrupt my opponent. Then, I set up a Kingdra or two for its Spray Splash poke-power. Virizion and Cleffa ae for bad starts ans draw power. Let me know what you think!