Hello! I don't think my deck needs that much help; it's a very fast, and constant deck, but I feel there's always room for improvement. I figure I'd get your opinion before I go to BRs tomorrow.
4-2-4 Kingdra (3 Prime-1 LA)
3-2-3 Machamp
1-1 Shedinja
2 Uxie
4 Bebe's Search
4 Poke Drawer +
4 Pokedex
3 Rare Candy
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Super Scoop Up
2 Expert Belt
2 Copycat
2 Broken Time Space
1 Palmer's Contribution
1 Luxury Ball
5 Water{W}
2 Fighting{F}
2 Rainbow {W}{F}
The strategy is to donk with ether Kingdra, or Champ. If I can't, I use Machamp to take out SP stuff, Shedinja to counter anything that has pokepowers, or bodys (e.g., Donphan, Steelix, Scizor, CurseGar, Flygon, etc.), and Kingdra for everything else. I can also use Shedinja to snipe off the bench. I can only snipe pokemon that have damage on them, but with a Kingdra, I can snipe for 40 anywhere every turn.
I would appreciate fast advice, for I have to make my Deck Sheet tonight.
Thank you for you opinion!
4-2-4 Kingdra (3 Prime-1 LA)
3-2-3 Machamp
1-1 Shedinja
2 Uxie
4 Bebe's Search
4 Poke Drawer +
4 Pokedex
3 Rare Candy
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Super Scoop Up
2 Expert Belt
2 Copycat
2 Broken Time Space
1 Palmer's Contribution
1 Luxury Ball
5 Water{W}
2 Fighting{F}
2 Rainbow {W}{F}
The strategy is to donk with ether Kingdra, or Champ. If I can't, I use Machamp to take out SP stuff, Shedinja to counter anything that has pokepowers, or bodys (e.g., Donphan, Steelix, Scizor, CurseGar, Flygon, etc.), and Kingdra for everything else. I can also use Shedinja to snipe off the bench. I can only snipe pokemon that have damage on them, but with a Kingdra, I can snipe for 40 anywhere every turn.
I would appreciate fast advice, for I have to make my Deck Sheet tonight.
Thank you for you opinion!