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Kings Rush (Aegislash / Keldeo)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 1 Mewtwo EX (ND 98)
    3 Aegislash (XY 86)
    1 Aegislash (XY 85)
    1 Doublade (XY 84)
    4 Honedge (XY 83)
    2 Keldeo EX (BC 142)

  • 4 Evosoda (XY 116)
    1 Great Ball (XY 118)
    2 Professor's Letter (XY 123)
    2 Skyla (BC 134)
    2 Super Potion (XY 128)
    2 Switch (BW 104)
    2 Ultra Ball (PF 122)
    3 Professor Juniper (PF 116)
    2 Startling M phone (FF 97)
    1 Muscle Band (XY 121)
    1 Scramble Switch (PS 129)
    3 Rare Candy (DE 100)
    4 N (NV 101)
    4 Float Stone (PF 99)
    2 Shauna (XY 127)

  • 3 Double Colorless Energy (ND 92)
    10 Metal Energy (XY 139)

Attempt at a speed version of Aegislash Keldeo. Goal is to set up Aegislash and Keldeo with float stone as quickly as possible. Mewtwo is a starter/damage absortion tool. Fairly simple in theory but has run into some issues....
1. Decks that run lots of Megaphones/Scrappers
2. Fast decks
3. Decks that have attackers that snipe benched pokemon (ex. plasma with keldeo)
4. I seem to have trouble drawing supporters, or really anything that i need. Even though it doesn't take much to set up in theory, it hasn't been working as expected. I have been doing most of my testing on playtcg, and I don't know if it's a problem with the rng (do they use rng?) but it seems to be a consistent problem.

Any advice would be great, if this works out i will be running this in some tournaments this season! I play masters so competition is definitely gonna be there.
RE: Kings Rush (Aegislash/Keldeo)

You might want to add some more basics. Maybe Dedenne to help set upso you do not chance losing an EX in this process. Your supporter line looks thin as well. Here is my suggestion:

-4 Evosoda (No need as you have Rare Candy)
-2 Super Potion (Discarding energy in this deck is bad)
-1 Great Ball (Card is eh in most decks)
-1 Float Stone
-1 Switch (With 3 Float Stones you should not need 2)

+3 Dedenne (Second attack works wonders on Yveltel EX as well)
+1 Ultra Ball
+2 Energy Switch (Take from Dedenne or another Pokemon about to get KOed)
+1 Muscle Band
+1 Shauna
+1 Skyla

I have tried making this deck and energy acceleration is very hard. I tried Victini EX like others have and even Virizion EX but it is still hard. With the new set in November we may see some Metal support.
Sorry this took so long... But evosoda is so much more effective compared to rare candy? Why not take out rare candy if anything? I definitely agree with the super potion removal after some testing. There isn't enough of an advantage to be gained.