Wi-Fi Trades Kitana's Tanatastic TL;DR Thread of Trades and Stuff (Updated 12/11)

Kitana Coldfire

Friend Code: 2062-9785-8816
Friend Safari: Swalot, Kakuna, Toxicroak
Time Zone: US Central Time (Alabama)
Times Available: Varies

- Some HAs (See list below)
- Access to a Chansey Safari (I farm Lucky Eggs!)
- A NEAR-COMPLETE collection of TMs
- Coming Soon! Once Pokebank is up, I'll have a TON of Extrasensory Zoruas (and maybe some Ice Fang Shinx) up for trade from my White file!

HAs I can Breed (All in Luxury Balls unless otherwise noted):
- Cubchoo (Dive ball)
- Pancham
- Torchic (Pokeball)
- Vulpix
- Fennekin
- Larvesta
- Magicarp
- Poliwag
- Lillipup
- Keckleon
- Chansey/Happiny
- Blitzle
- Snubull
- Igglypuff/Jigglypuff
- Flabebe [Blue Flower] (Heal and Luxury Balls)

Services Offered:
- Trade Evolution Services: Need that Pumpkaboo evo'd into a Gourgeist, or want that spiffy Gengar you've always dreamed about? Say the word and I will be more than happy to assist you in all your trade-based evolution needs!
- TM tutoring: If I do not have a TM, I can work on getting it in my collection ASAP.
- Mutated berries: My first full rows of Amaze Mulch berries (Maranga and Kee) will be ready in a few days. If you don't have the time (or dedication) to chain-cultivate these berries yourself, I'll be happy to pass on one of each to help you get your orchard started!
- Lucky Egg requests are temporarily closed for restocking! Lucky Eggs Upon Request: I have something of an.... obsession. I like farming for Lucky Eggs. I tend to keep anywhere between 5 and 10 in my bag at all times, on the off-chance someone might need an extra one (or 4). Please note, however, that quantities of more than one will be available only in exchange of Shinies or HA females (sometimes in specific balls). Also, large quantites of eggs may require extra time for me to farm them.
- If I see your Message/Shoutout says "Breeding", I will often throw a Hatching O-Power on you
- Coming Soon! Once Pokebank is up, I can start offering some RNG services for Gen I-V Pokemon (Including Gender, Abilities, Natures, and Shinyness). I don't breed for flawless, but if it happens, it happens.

In Exchange for Services:
- Evolution and TM tutoring services are absolutely free!
If I trade you trash and you want to return treasure instead, that's completely up to you. I'll happily take back that craptastic Bidoof I gave you when returning your now BAMF Alakazam. And if you want to keep that craptastic Bidoof I gave you and send back a HA Female Shiny Eevee in a freaking Luxury Ball, that's fine too. You win either way, except now you are also the proud owner of a craptastic Bidoof in addition to your BAMF Alakazam.

- For a single Lucky Egg, or Maranga/Kee berries, I'm very flexible.
If you have a Friend Safari filled with magic and rainbows, we'll call it payment; but if you have a crappy safari like me, don't despair! Just make an offer of something, and if don't have it in my dex, we're in business. If I already have the pokemon you offered, often times I'll just flip through my dex, find a couple of things I don't have, and give you a list of easily-obtainable options. Want to give me a fossil/Mega Stone instead? Fine by me, I'll always take X-only fossils/Mega Stones for my collection, saves me time when Bank comes out.

- For Lucky Egg quantites more than 1, I'd like more compensation, however.
Usually a female SOMETHING with her HA in a will easily serve as payment (especially if it has a cute nickname). Shinys may qualify depending on the species. I am always willing to negotiate, however.

- Friend Code exchanges for access to Friend Safaris
- Any HA female NOT in a Quick, Timer, Net, or regular Pokeball are always appreciated, as they'll allow me to expand my offerings faster
- Female Goomy/Sligoo/Goodra with Gooey in Luxury Ball
RE: Kitana's Tanatastic TL;DR Thread of Trades and Stuff (Updated 11/23)

Bump for updated info, and new list of what HAs I can breed.

Also, Maranga and Kee berries are now available!
Bumping for a pre-Pokebank update:

- My TM collection is now 97% complete! The three TMs I do not yet have in my collection are Explosion, Retaliate, and Dream Eater. I am currently working on accumulating enough BP to get them, but if you need any other TM or HM move taught, I can gladly assist!

- I currently have some HA Cubchoo stockpiled, as well as a BUNCH of HA blue flower Flabebe (all Timid, for personal breeding purposes this time). Additionally, I have 5 male Magician Fennekin in Luxury balls and 6 Drought Vulpix in Pokeballs leftover from my last breeding run

- In the non-HA department, I can breed Iron Tail Goomy on request. Until I get a HA mother, only Sap Sipper and Hydration are available, sorry!

- I can also now breed HA Vulpix and Pancham in Luxury balls

- I've taken a break from actively cultivating berries, but I still have Maranga and Kee berries available

PM or reply if you have any requests; I'll be restarting my X soon, so I'll need some trade assistance in the next few days
lucariopulse333 said:
I dunno how many you will give me for the Trevenant, so I don't mind dude :)

Well I've only got a few at the moment because I haven't restocked. Would just one be okay for right now? I can put it on a HA Flabebe with Ground Hidden Power and perfect Speed stat and trade it immediately.