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Klingklang (Shift Gear)


Poor College Student
Hey Everyone, I wanted to make a Klingklang deck cause I wanted to make a fairly meta deck, that could compete with my friends at league.

Pokemon (16):
3 Klink (DEX)
3 Klingklang (B&W)
2 Darkrai EX (DEX)
1 Registeel EX (DRX)
1 Mewtwo EX (NXD)
1 Keldeo EX (BCR)
1 Black Kyurem EX (BCR)
1 Groudon EX (DEX)
1 Sigilyph (DRX)
1 Cobalion (NVI)
1 Virizion (EPO)

Energy (12):
4 Prism Energy
4 Blend Energy (WLFM)
4 Metal Energy

Trainers (must be 32 :b)
1 Computer Search
4 N
3 Professor Juniper
3 Cheren
2 Skyla
3 Rare Candy
4 Heavy Ball
3 Pokemon Catcher
3 Switch
1 Tool Scrapper
1 Super Rod

Basic Strategy is to get out a Klingklang as fast as possible, and a Darkrai EX, then get attackers in play, and start attaching energy to various attackers. The reason for having so many attackers is to counter the main big decks being played right now. Virizion is for Keldeo EX, Cobalion is a non-EX attacker that can use basic energy, and the rest kind of fill in the gaps against other decks.

Some things I am aware of:
-Too many attackers, in too few copies.
-This deck will see DRASTIC, and I mean drastic changes once I get my hands on "Plasma Steel" Klingklang
-I want to swap out Sigilyph and Cobalion for second copies of Regitseel EX and Keldeo EX in the mean time, before I get Plasmaklang.

Any suggestions on improving the deck as it stands? Please don't tell me about the virtues of Cobalion EX with Plasmaklang, I have my own plans for that pairing ;) I'm really looking for things to make the deck better from Boundaries Crossed backwards.
Why Black Kyurem EX if your haven't Crystal wall?
Try White Kyurem EX from Plasma Storm. If you also put Crystal wall in it, can he deal much damage each turn.
Unfortunately, you're gonna get destroyed by Hammertime. We need to fix that.

As happy as I am to see that you're going techy with this, you can't. The game's all about consistency now, and unfortunately, ain't nobody got time for techs. I suggest you find a few cards you want to focus on and then roll with those. Having one of a bunch of cards to hopefully counter the metagame isn't great at the moment, because Klinklang itself is just kinda slow right now. You run four Heavy Ball, which is great, but no Ultra Ball to actually grab the cards you need. This is a problem. You should go with a 2/2 split or even cut Groudon-EX and BKEX simply because you have no Energy acceleration. And they take too long to charge up to do any good. (Groudon-EX gets OHKO'd by Keldeo anyways.)

My two cents right there. Edit this a little and I'll come back to help!
I would also take out Cobalion and Virizion since you generally want high HP Basics in this deck so they that your opponent can't OHKO stuff and get rid of all of your energy on the field. I'm not sure if you really need Switch since the only thing you can't free retreat with Darkrai is Klingklang, and that problem can be solved by Rushing In and shifting a Blend Energy onto Keldeo.
So from what I'm gathering:
-I went too far with the "klingklang corners" idea
-I sacrificed consistency by doing so.
Makes sense. And would explain why my super skeleton RayEels has been tearing it apart lately.

Mora said:
I would also take out Cobalion and Virizion since you generally want high HP Basics in this deck so they that your opponent can't OHKO stuff and get rid of all of your energy on the field. I'm not sure if you really need Switch since the only thing you can't free retreat with Darkrai is Klingklang, and that problem can be solved by Rushing In and shifting a Blend Energy onto Keldeo.
So, instead of Cobalion and Virizion, what would you suggest? And the Switches are there kinda because I sent this deck too far on the tech scale.

Serperior said:
Unfortunately, you're gonna get destroyed by Hammertime. We need to fix that.

As happy as I am to see that you're going techy with this, you can't. The game's all about consistency now, and unfortunately, ain't nobody got time for techs. I suggest you find a few cards you want to focus on and then roll with those. Having one of a bunch of cards to hopefully counter the metagame isn't great at the moment, because Klinklang itself is just kinda slow right now. You run four Heavy Ball, which is great, but no Ultra Ball to actually grab the cards you need. This is a problem. You should go with a 2/2 split or even cut Groudon-EX and BKEX simply because you have no Energy acceleration. And they take too long to charge up to do any good. (Groudon-EX gets OHKO'd by Keldeo anyways.)

My two cents right there. Edit this a little and I'll come back to help!
This all makes sense, and it leads me to ask; Should I not even bother with this deck until I can get Plasmaklang and extra copies of Keldeo, Registeel, and get my hands on a couple Cobalion EX?
I played the exact deck and you do not want Sigilyph you want Klang to be safe if your trainers get shutdown or you can`t get them so
- 1 Sigilyph
+ 1 Klang
Well you can at least test with the deck on PlayTCG to see if you like it or not. If you're finding it fun and successful, go for it.