Get a Klinklang set up asw well as aromatisse and move energy around as needed and protect my metal pokemon from ex attackers. Virizion EX stops status consitions. Spirittomb is for against Vir/gen decks so they cant play that pesky G Booster.
I may change the fairy gardens tto 2 shadow Circle and a darkrai EX because fire type pokemon are popular right now. I would run two cobalion ex but at the moment i only have 1. I also do not have any level balls
What do you all think.
Edited to coincide with the rules!
3 Skarmoy EX
1 Cobalion EX
1 Cobalion
2-2-2 KlingKlang ( Plasma Steel)
2-2 Aromatisse
1 Virizion EX
1 Xerneas
1 Spirtomb
3 N
3 Colress
2 Shauna
2 Skyla
2 Proffesor Juniper
3 Ultra ball
2 Heavy Ball
3 Max Potions
2 Enhanced Hammer
2 Startling Megaphone
1 Dowsing Machine
1 Super Rod
1 Town Map
3 Fairy Garden
4 Fairy Energy
4 Prism Energy
4 Rainbow Energy
Get a Klinklang set up asw well as aromatisse and move energy around as needed and protect my metal pokemon from ex attackers. Virizion EX stops status consitions. Spirittomb is for against Vir/gen decks so they cant play that pesky G Booster.
I may change the fairy gardens tto 2 shadow Circle and a darkrai EX because fire type pokemon are popular right now. I would run two cobalion ex but at the moment i only have 1. I also do not have any level balls
What do you all think.
Edited to coincide with the rules!