Klinklang EP does it have potential?


Aspiring Trainer
Simply enough, there is decent synergy between Klinklang EP and Klingklang BW. One recovers energy (while doing moderate damage), the other can move the energy where it needs to be, normally on Scissor Prime or Steelix Prime.

perhaps a 4-3-2/2 line? with the other stage one Metals?

With Klinklang BW you can very quickly power up a Fire counter, like Ability Samurott, using Metal energy. Samurott also gives the advantage of keeping with the theme of defense. And with the release of max potion (usable with junk arm) healing will be very easy.

Issues with this idea are the horrible retreat costs that come with both Klinklangs and Steelix, and to a lesser extent Scissor, the prevalence of fire decks, and the release of catcher... because you definitely dont want gear-shift Klingklang stuck active (might not be as bad after re-fliptini comes out).

A skeleton list might look like this:

2 : Skarmory UD/CL
4-3-2/2 : Klingklang (EP klink and klang with better retreat coasts)
2-2 : Steelix or Scissor
2-1-2 : Ability Samurott
Pokemon: 22

3 : Collector
4 : Sages Training
3: Junk Arm
3 : Pokemon Communication
3 : Research Records
3 : Rare Candy
2: Switch
2 : Juniper
1 : Flowershop Lady
S/S/T: 28

4 : {M}
4 : {M} Spe.
2 : Rescue/DCE
NRG: 10

Any thoughts?

Please remember to include card scans when looking for combos/ideas. Thanks! ~Gliscor
Klinklang (EP)
Klinklang (BW)
You are very heavy on evolution.
I would go with DCE over rescue, because it allows your Samurott to attack faster.

Anyways, the idea is great, because having mobile energy is quite a fearsome thing to have.

Someone else posted the idea of running max potion with this type of deck, and abusing the energy swap engine.
Well, with a Sage's Training You can just discards what you wont be using. Basically If you are facing a fire deck, you should be able to get Samurott up quite fast with

I've done some experimenting with Sages, and its good for filtering out techs that you don't need in a specific match.

I forgot to add Max Potion to the list above. It is a definate inclusion.

What should the Klinklang line look like?

3-2-2/1 (2 BW/1 EP)?
Yes, I think that that line would be best, considering that it is what this deck is based around, after all.
Why, blaZofgold? Because the BW one can't attack for crud.

As for the idea, I think that it's a good idea on paper, but not that great in general. First off, the drawback on the Emerging Powers Klinklang is awful. It can't use that attack? No thank you. 80 is a nice damage, but for three energy (two with a DCE), it's not sounding so good anymore.

And what if you face Reshiram? Samurott's a good tech, but I find that once your line is gone, you're done.
Well, the 80 is a coin flip to see if you can't use it, but the attack i was really interested in on EP Klinklang was charge beam, allowing for recovery of special metals for extra defense, You can run through the deck quickly with Sages training while discarding NRG. Then use Steelix and KK to recover the DCE or spe. Metals as you go. Samurott is VERY hard for Reshiram to OHKO, it would like what? 4 PPs? And with the inclusion of Max Potion in the deck you can move the NRG, heal Samurott, and then move it back to attack. Your priority would be to Catcher Ability Emboar... maybe thats a few too many if's and maybe's.
Minty88 said:
Well, the 80 is a coin flip to see if you can't use it, but the attack i was really interested in on EP Klinklang was charge beam, allowing for recovery of special metals for extra defense, You can run through the deck quickly with Sages training while discarding NRG. Then use Steelix and KK to recover the DCE or spe. Metals as you go. Samurott is VERY hard for Reshiram to OHKO, it would like what? 4 PPs? And with the inclusion of Max Potion in the deck you can move the NRG, heal Samurott, and then move it back to attack. Your priority would be to Catcher Ability Emboar... maybe thats a few too many if's and maybe's.

Catcher + Reshiram = 1HKO of your important pokemon. Fire is the worst weakness in the game to have at the moment, and while there are lots of great steel pokes in the game right now, they're practically useless for the time being.
Steelix is fail, go with Scizor prime, at least you have a much faster way of racking up damage.

Add Zoroark to take care of annoying people.
Add Catcher to abuse Zoroark.

Have 2 Skarmory
a 2-2 line of Scizor
a 2-1-2 Samurott
3-2-3 Klinklang (1 BW/ 2 EP)
2-2 Zoroark

Pokemon: 23

See where that gets ya. (Way heavy, I know. Sage's Training should help tone it down...)

Abuse Max Potion and Seeker, scooping up damage without removing energies,
though those cards' usefulness is severely limited with DCE(Not being able to Gear Shift it), it's rather necessary, since Zoroark and Samurott both need it.

Fire is certainly killer, but keeping a deck's coverage wide will certainly have its benefits...
Minty88 said:
i was really interested in on EP Klinklang was charge beam, allowing for recovery of special metals for extra defense, You can run through the deck quickly with Sages training while discarding NRG.

Isn't setting up two Stage 2's just for energy acceleration a bit much? Don't get me wrong, I love seeing new ideas come to life, as I do not like the meta (I haven't touched a Yanmega, Magnezone, Reshiram, or Zekrom this format), but two Stage 2's as essentially a starter? That sounds like it's going to be extremely slow.

Just my two cents.
Klinklang can attack, but it is probably only going to be there for retrieval of Sp. Metal Energies.

Scizor is for blowing up the big things, Shift Gear onto him and bash away...

I agree, it needs help in the form of better options...
Samurott could be replaced by what? There aren't very many water types that don't use water energies, plus, shell armor is a bonus resistance to everything, from yanmega to Reshiram.

Zekrom would be extremely problematic for this deck, killing Samurott easily and tanking larger hits.

Zoroark is meant to deal with Zekrom and Reshiram, though you will have to use Plus Powers to make proper use of them...

Other options include using Tornadus, who can provide another weakness to Zekrom, but holding up a little more bulk and has the ability to abuse Shift Gear/DCE.

He attacks with a DCE and a basic/sp. steel and swaps it back to something else. Next turn, shift it back or attach a new one... Provided that it doesn't die...
Besides, 80 Damage is nothing to scoff at...

Steelix could be added, for more bulk, but bulk matters not against fire, which can obliterate any steel in one hit.
Steelix is meant to do the job that Klinklang already does, but it takes an extra energy to do it...
Advantage is that it is a Stage one over the fact that Klinklang is a Stage two, but Klinklang has more bulk, and a rather acceptable second attack, though you really shouldn't aim to use it, as you would rather have Scizor to attack for you.

I am just brainstorming, don't flame me.
If you're using Kinklang EP just for energy recovery, it seems slightly useless. I mean, just use Steelix Prime...

Reshiram's popularity is ending. And Kinklang BW's attack is better than Kinklang EP's second attack IMO.

Scizor Prime is the way to go. And Max Potions. Just spam both and you win.
Klinklang BW
Flip two tails and call me in the morning.

I believe that the idea behind Klinklang EP is that it has a degree of flexibility.
It can abuse DCE and attack for nice damage, with a possible bad effect, or be used to tank and restock sp. metal/basic steel energies to your switch engine. Esp. with Scizor Prime and Catcher...

Seriously, is anything that is not fire going to be able to OHKO Klinklang EP? it has 150 hp...
I like it a lot, even though it is part of a disappointing set.

As you said, max potions with gear shift is certainly win.
yeah, flexibility was the idea. I figure with Steelix, KK BW, and KK EP you can keep all 4 Sp. Metals in play for most of the game. This gives Steelix an effective 180 Hp, which is nice.

This deck... really needs something to eliminate the fire weakness.... honestly...
I really wouldn't worry much about Klinklkang ep. But the BW one is definately a very nice tech to work with in any metal deck. Currently trying him out in my Steelix/Scizor/Lanturn deck I got. Works well so far, obviously not the most competitive deck, but its fun to play.