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Klinklang PLS/ Cobalion


Klinklang Deck list
[*]4-1-3 Klinklang PLS
[*]1 Klinklang Bw
[*]3 Cobalion Ex
[*]1 Cobalion
[*]1 Durant Drx

[*]4 Juniper
[*]4 N
[*]3 Bianca
[*]2 Skyla
[*]2 Virbank City Gym
[*]4 Hypnotoxic Laser
[*]1 Super Rod
[*]3 Pokemon Catcher
[*]3 Switch
[*]1 Escape Rope
[*]4 Rare Candy
[*]3 Heavy Ball
[*]2 Ultra Ball
[*]1 Max potion

[*]11 Metal Energy

Strategy: The main Focus of this deck is to get both Klinklangs set up and protect your pokemon from Exs. Then use cobalion and cobalion Ex to sweep with Hypnotoxic Laser, also Durant can get back any resource and prevent you from decking out

Note: I am not sure that this deck will work after Plasma Freeze is Released
I don't know if you necessarily want my version of the deck, but I've played against winning lists so many times that I know the deck by heart. (This is the PLF format)

-1 Klinklang PLS
-1 Klang
-3 Switch (not needed anymore)
-4 Hypnotoxic Laser
-2 Virbank City Gym
-3 Bianca

+1 Klinklang BLW
+1 Max Potion
+2 Skyla
+2 Tropical Beach
+2 Colress
+1 Cobalion NVI
+1 Keldeo EX
+2 Float Stone
ummm... Ace Spec Much???
+1 Dowsing Machine

Dowsing Machine is a must in this deck, and Keldeo-Float Stone is amazing once set up.
My friend plays this deck, and his Pokemon line is 4-2-4 Klinklang line (3 PLS, 1 BLW), 3 Cobalion EX, and 1 Registeel EX, and his deck is working really well. Also, I really don't think that the HTL/Virbank combo is good in this kind of deck, and disregard what that other guy said about the switches. They are a vital part of the deck. I do recommend Dowsing Machine. Other than that, the deck list seems pretty good. (I also recommend DEX Klinks and Klinklang, because they're Heavy Ball retrievable. Hope this helps!
Here is my deck list. It works very well for me. I placed top cut in regionals with it.

4 klink DEX
1 klinklang BW
3 klinklang PLS
2 Colbalion EX
2 Cobalion NVI

4 Skyla
4 Juniper
3 N
4 Heavy Ball
4 Ultra Ball
3 Catcher
4 Max Potion
4 Rare Candy
4 Switch
1 Dowsing Machine
2 Super Rod

11 Metal

I like Cobalion NVI because it works well against Terrakion. Normally Terrakion could give this deck a hard time considering that with exp. share it can hit you for 90 every turn which can destroy you. Max Potion is incredible with this deck. After a while your Cobalion EX will get a lot of damage on it (especially against Terrakion). Since it takes so many hits to kill him without an EX, Max Potion can destroy. Also, with no energy acceleration you don’t want your guys to get knocked out and lose three precious energy. At first I ran three, but tried out four and it worked so much better. All the heavy balls and ultra balls are to ensure a klinklang second turn. With Landorus Ex two hitting your benched klinks, you need to get it out second turn. Super Rod works well to get back your energy, klinklang line and attackers. It is crucial to success. I tried Registeel, but he was just to slow for me. The idea of this decklist is to set up quickly and them deny damage for the rest of the game using Max Potion and attach more energy while your at it. Then hit for 100 every turn. Hope this helps