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KlinSteel (Klinklang/Registeel EX)


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon 13:
3-2-3 Klingklang (Shift gear)
3 Registeel EX
2 Goudon EX

2 N
4 cheren
4 bianca
3 catcher
4 heavy ball
4 Max potion
4 switch
2 super rod
1 random receiver
2 Tool Scraper
3 Rare Candy
2 eviolite

Energy: 12
4 Blend {M}{L}{W}{F}
4 Prism
4 Metal
2 DCE {C}{C}

Start with Registeel ex to spread damage and them attack with Groudon's giant claw..
Any suggestions ?
RE: KlinSteel (klinlang registeel ex)

i think it'd be alot safer to add DCE in here but idk what to take out. Double colorless energy will come in handy tho for second turn registeel spreading
RE: KlinSteel (klinlang registeel ex)

I think I just battled you on Playtcg I started with Mewtwo then got a Tynamo then we had a connection error or something my username is Charizard2 and I would add Kyurem or Kyogre so then you have more use for the blend energy
RE: KlinSteel (klinlang registeel ex)

Good luck vs. Fluffychomp. Special energies are good but i would ditch the prism for basic.
I'd also suggest more basic energy instead of the Prism. Maybe 3 Fighting Energy 1 Prism?