Pokemon: 16
The strategy of this deck is to use Crobat's sneaky bite ability along with Laserbank to put damage on the opponents pokemon. Since those aren't attacks, I can then use Krookodile EX for the knock out, as it's attack is dependent on damage counters. I have Mr. Mime, for bench protection. I also have Yveltal for energy acceleration, and Darkrai for free retreat, maybe even nightspear.
Edited to coincide with the rules!
4x Krookodile EX
3x Zubat (phantom forces)
1x Golbat (phantom forces)
3x Crobat (phantom forces)
3x Yveltal (XY)
1x Mr. Mime (Plasma Blast)
1x Darkrai EX
4x Devolution Spray
3x Rare Candy
4x N
3x Professor Juniper
2x Skyla
2x Ultra Ball
3x Virbank City Gym
4x Hypnotoxic Laser
2x Professor's Letter
1x Lysander's Trump Card
2x Roller Skates
2x VS Seeker
12x Darkness Energy
The strategy of this deck is to use Crobat's sneaky bite ability along with Laserbank to put damage on the opponents pokemon. Since those aren't attacks, I can then use Krookodile EX for the knock out, as it's attack is dependent on damage counters. I have Mr. Mime, for bench protection. I also have Yveltal for energy acceleration, and Darkrai for free retreat, maybe even nightspear.
Edited to coincide with the rules!