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Krookodile EX / Crobat / Yveltal / Darkrai EX


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 16

  • 4x Krookodile EX
    3x Zubat (phantom forces)
    1x Golbat (phantom forces)
    3x Crobat (phantom forces)
    3x Yveltal (XY)
    1x Mr. Mime (Plasma Blast)
    1x Darkrai EX
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 32

  • 4x Devolution Spray
    3x Rare Candy
    4x N
    3x Professor Juniper
    2x Skyla
    2x Ultra Ball
    3x Virbank City Gym
    4x Hypnotoxic Laser
    2x Professor's Letter
    1x Lysander's Trump Card
    2x Roller Skates
    2x VS Seeker
Energy: 12

  • 12x Darkness Energy

The strategy of this deck is to use Crobat's sneaky bite ability along with Laserbank to put damage on the opponents pokemon. Since those aren't attacks, I can then use Krookodile EX for the knock out, as it's attack is dependent on damage counters. I have Mr. Mime, for bench protection. I also have Yveltal for energy acceleration, and Darkrai for free retreat, maybe even nightspear.

Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon
Did we ever get Krookodile EX? I dont remember if it was released yet or not.. definitely seemed like a strong card though.
anyways, I think Devo spray has rotated out for BCR-on, so you might want to run something else there instead which can pick up bats such as super scoop ups. Also what are the rare candies for? Its usually better to run golbats for this sort of deck because evolving zubat into golbat and then into crobat gives you a much more steady stream of damage each turn and not having to worry about item lock really helps. You might want to run a switch although free retreat and the ability to scoop up Krookodile out of the active position could be reason enough not to. At the moment your deck has nothing to stop garbodor so you might want to run a lysandre or two or else it will shut down your bats and darkrai's ability, and the only thing you could do is knock it out in 4 hits with night spear/crobat's attack
I agree with taking out the candies, generally you want to be going Zu-Gol-Cro on consecutive turns just to get the damage out there. I'm not sure how consistent or reliable AZ is in this kind of deck, but I'd definitely consider running 2 of him, along with the aforementioned Super Scoop-Up and maybe Scoop-up Cyclone.

I also think that the major thing Krookodile-EX has over Wobbuffet in this kind of deck is his HP count, so you may want to consider running a couple of Hard Charms to capitalise on that, and Muscle Bands too just to get that extra damage.

One other weakness in Krook compared to Wobbuffet is the lack of access to Dimension Valley, so I'd include a couple of Double Colorless Energy in there to power him up quicker, though I guess see how Yveltal goes- you might not need it.