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Kunsey Chansey/Skuntank (Unlimited)


Aspiring Trainer
This deck i've created is called Kunsey, which is a Dark and Colourless {D} {C} (colorless) deck. (I made this deck when Black and White launched).

Chansey 100HP (From Mysterious treasures)
Skuntank 100HP (From stormfront)

5x Basic {D} energy
1x Special {D} energy
6x Basic {F} energy
5x Basic {M} energy


1x Stunky (Stromfront)
2x Murkrow (From Undaunted)
2x Sableye (From Undaunted)
1x Poochyena (From Platinum)
1x Houndour (From Undaunted)
1x Houndoom (From Undaunted)
2x Stunky (From Undaunted)
2x Umbreon (From Undaunted) (One is a Theme deck holo)
2x Skuntank (From Undaunted)
1x Honchkrow (From Undaunted)
1x Honchkrow Lv.X (Secret Wonders)


2X Eevee (MD) (Undaunted)
1x Togepi (Undaunted)
1x Bidoof (Stormfront)
1x Munchlax (RR)
1x Doduo (Undaunted)
1x Pidgey (Triumphant)
1x Sentret (Secret Wonders)
1x Togetic (Undaunted)


2x PC
2x EE
1x FH
1x PB


2x ST
1x TRT
1x Twins
1x IQ
1x AC
2x Scott


1x Burned Tower

Stunky will be charged with upto 2 {D} energys, and one special {D} energy. That way, if I draw Skuntank, I could go straight for Plunder, and that special {D} energy can add 10 damage. (Very useful if playing a psychic type deck). Not only that, but I could also discard any trainer card attached to the defending Pokemon. While I draw my continuous prize cards, I would load Chansey with energys. If my Skuntank gets knocked out, Chansey would come up, able to do it's double edge attack. Then I've got good ol' Bidoof. It's yawn attack is helpful for getting Pokemon to sleep. Then all my other Pokemon will come to the rescue. That way, my deck would be unbeatable!

Please post your thoughts and what you like or hate about this deck.
RE: Kunsey Chansey/Skuntank

You're going to need to add the deck's strategy into the first post or this thread will be locked.