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Mush. Up!
Rather inexperienced, planning on doing Keldeo EX stuff once the tins hit but I'll settle with something like this for now. The thing I'm most unsure with is the Trainers. What am I missing from them? I'm sure I'm doing something horribly wrong, haha.

Pokemon: 19
3 Kyurem NV
1 Mewtwo EX
4-2-3 Blastoise BC
3-1-2 Dusknoir BC

Trainers: 29
2 Switch
4 Cheren
3 Energy Search
3 Pokemon Communication
2 Skyla
3 Pokemon Catcher
4 N
4 Ultra Ball
4 Rare Candy

Energy: 13
13 Water
Since you already have Ultra Ball, I would suggest taking out the communications for 2 level balls and another switch. Another thing you're missing is Professor Juniper, a supporter that allows you to discard your hand and draw 7 new cards. A must. another thing I would consider is taking out wartortle altogether, as having a squirtle with shell shield is always better than having wartortle. you might also trying thinning out your dusknoir line, as you don't really want it until later in the game, maybe try 2-1-2 or even 1-0-1. That way you can still use it later, but it won't fill up too much room. Another mewtwo would be helpful, and with juniper in the picture, you might not need the energy searches. Good luck with the deck! Hope I was Helpful. :)
I would make room for 1-2 ditto's that way your opponent doesn't know what is coming when you suddently play your duskull rare candy dusknoir in 1 turn.
For the Pokemon Lines I would run 1 less Duskull because this is a bad pokemon to start with and it can be searched with the card I will tell you in a minute...

I would also run less Warturtle just because of Rare Candy...
-1-1-0 Blastoise

You mentioned a keldeo deck before and Keldeo is always good to have in any Blastoise deck so I would definently run it...
+2 Keldeo

So Pokemon Look more like this...
3 Kyruem
2 Keldeo EX
1 Mewtwo EX
2-1-2 Dusknoir
3-1-3 Blastoise (EDIT: I love a Stage 1 in my decks for the stage 2's! Most people dont so if you do not want it, use this space to make room for the skyla which is mentioned later)

Next to the Trainer lines, and as you mentioned you are missing a few things. One your supporters are a little mixed up you definently want Cheren in this deck but not 4 and every deck must have Juniper. I love Skyla! All my decks run Skyla BUT in this deck with only 29 Trainers Skyla is less needed and currently there will be almost no space to have Skyla in it (Read EDIT) (my decks run around 35 trainers). So the supporters should be more like so...
4 N
3 Juniper (Or 4 Juniper and 2 Cheren, Your choice)
3 Cheren
EDIT: Everyone seems to say to keep Skyla after this post which I love and said before I would have so Maybe keep the Skyla and take out 1 more Energy Search and one Ultra Ball. IDK how to make room. Your Choice...

Now the items. I am not sure if you need 3 Energy Searches maybe 2 (1 Read Edit). But I know you have no Ace Spec so that is mandatory...
+1 Ace Spec (Computer Search or Gold Potion)
-1 Energy Search

Now One last card. I like to run Tool Scraper and Super Rod in my decks but you only have space for one or the other, I would pick Super Rod over any other choice but it all come sdown to your choice...
+1 Super Rod/Tool Scrapper/Switch/Other

These are all my reccomendations for this deck. None are mandatory I just want to help, I love all Dusknoir Varients and I hope this one works for you! Good luck!

Hope I Helped! :D
Agree with Tyrant about 90%. I'd say drop the wartortle all together, not drop the skyla, and I would recommend Tool Scrapper and Super rod, or maybe even two tool scrappers. The biggest regionals in the US just got done this last weekend, and people were being so stingy on the Scrappers that the top 8 was about half garbodor decks.
I'd use Keldeo EX for sure if I could get them easily, but I'm waiting on those March tins I've heard about.

Pokemon: 16
3 Kyurem NV
1 Mewtwo EX
3-1-3 Blastoise BC
2-1-2 Dusknoir BC

Trainers: 31
3 Switch
4 Cheren
3 Professor Juniper
2 Level Ball
2 Skyla
3 Pokemon Catcher
4 N
4 Ultra Ball
4 Rare Candy
1 Tool Scrapper
1 Computer Search

Energy: 13
13 Water

How does this look?
Looks Good! A lot Better! From that list I might (without suggesting Keldeo)...
-1 Level Ball/Cheren/Ultra Ball/Water Energy/Tool Scrapper
+1 Super Rod
I really like super Rod in this deck but that is your desicion. The list looks a lot more solid, once you add Keldeo EX you might want to add the Communication back, IDK they may help alot with 18 pokemon in the deck.