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Kyurem & Dusknoir with blastoise b&w on

k klowners

Aspiring Trainer
OK I'm really ecstatic about this deck that I made proxies (out of regular playing cards) out of some future cards that are coming out in the future and I thought It would be cool to share with all of you guys the deck that took me half of the night on a saturday of play testing with other future decks like Garchomp/Altaria, Keldo/Blastoise and Darkrai/Hydregon as well as the munch munch deck (Raticate Amoongus) I will give decklists for the matchups later on request but they were interesting to say the least. All In all I think the Deck I'm about to show you (not necessarily my decklist but maybe close) will be fun to play with and widely used in the meta in the future.


4-2-4 Dusknoir (coldflare/ freezebolt)
3-0-4 Blastoise (coldflare/freezebolt)
4 Kyurem


4 cheren
4 N
4 Switch
4 Rare Candy
3 Cilan
3 Level Ball
3 Revive
2 Super rod
1 Ultra ball
1 Computer search


Ok lets discuss, constructive criticism is welcome and lets discuss possible stategies too. Again I said with request I can post the deck lists I used and how the results of the battles went.

strategy: The main Idea is to spread damage to the extreme with Dusknoir and Kyurem and Cilan and Blastoise gives fast acceleration for Kyurem
ArceusIsTheBest said:
Needs some Wartortle. What are you gonna do against Item Lock?

Nobody plays Item Lock anymore LOL, but I still agree that you should put in a Wartortle for consistency reasons.

-1 Dusclops
+1 Wartortle
-1 Level Ball
+ 1 Ultra Ball

Also you NEED to make room for Pokemon Catchers and Professor Junipers
Dusknoir is a support Pokemon, not an attacker. That thick of a line is not needed at all. Just run one Super Rod if you are too peculiar about having them get knocked out. Dropping an entire 1-1-1 line of that frees up three spots for Catcher.

Catcher nets you kills by stalling and preventing Dark Patches. Outrage KOs are great with Catcher, too.
cf11 said:
ArceusIsTheBest said:
Needs some Wartortle. What are you gonna do against Item Lock?

Nobody plays Item Lock anymore LOL, but I still agree that you should put in a Wartortle for consistency reasons.

-1 Dusclops
+1 Wartortle
-1 Level Ball
+ 1 Ultra Ball
-2 Duskull
-2 Dusclops
+ 4 Pokemon Catchers