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Kyurem/Gatr/Blast-is it possible?


Aspiring Trainer
Here is a list for KGB that i made in like 5 minutes. the trainers along with the pokemon/energy count needs help. I like the pokemon in this deck, i think they can work very well together and have potential to be really strong. I have not tested this yet but before i go out i would really like other people's input on what they would do or dont do to this deck. Thank You.

4 kyurem
3-1-3 blastoise
3-1-3 feraligatr

2 catcher
4 rare candy's
3 pont
3 collector
3 sage's training
3 communication
3 juniper
2 switch
3 junk arm

16 water energy

strategy is to have kyurem out first most likely while you build a blast and gatr on the bench asap. Once you have the trio then you just start dumpin and pumpin. i think switch is really important since most pokes have high retreat cost, also IQ is in here cause i think it will help speed the deck up.
I don't really. See the need tor 3 catchers in here. I would cut a few to.Max out IQs because they are your only late game draw. You may also want to add afew draw supporters.
Why would you use Blastoise when SEL can do the same thing, but as a 2-4 card line instead of a 7 card line? SEL also makes the Durant and Cobalion matches possible if you run Rainbow/Fire energy, so I see no reason not to include it.

-3-1-3 Blastoise Outclassed by SEL
-1 Rare Candy With only 1 Stage 2 line now you don't need this many
-2 Interviewer's Questions Too unreliable
-4 Water Energy You'll never need more than 16 energy in a deck, ever, and we'll be adding a few fires to make up for this
-1 Switch After you add some Junk Arms, you'll only need 2 of these
-1 Catcher See switch, its not that important for the deck either

+2-2 SEL Outclasses Blastoise, deals with Steels
+1 Collector Needs to be maxed in any deck not running Dual Ball and Pichu
+1 Communication Needs to be maxed in any non trainer lock deck
+2 Mantine/Cleffa/Manaphy The deck could really use a starter
+4 Junk Arm Staple in any non Vileplume deck
+2 Sage's Training Excellent draw card because unlike refreshers it works well if your hand is full of good cards, like evolutions you can only play next turn. Try to fit in 2 more of these
+2 Fire Energy lets SEL use its first attack, and unlike Rainbow doesn't damage Kyurem, who can use it for the colorless in his attack anyway
i tried SEL yesterday, hate it. I like the synergy blastoise brings but so far it is still too slow. I updated it and added junk arms and sages training, cut 2 energy and a catcher/switch and both IQ's. IQ was nice sometimes but other times it wasnt even necessary, and it was inconsistent, rather add some draw power and see how that works out. I dont have too much of a problem with any peticular weakness cause all 3 pokes have different weaknesses, my biggest enemy is myself at the moment.