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Kyurem Keldeo-EX Deck (Kyeldeo)


Aspiring Trainer
Kyurem/Keldeo (Kyeldeo)

Kyurem hits light for 30, spreading damage to everyone per turn, however, with its decent 130 HP it guarentees a hefty 60 damage on everyone in 2 turns and with Eviolite, its not a strech to hit 90 on everyone in a 3 turn wind where even Darkrai's hefty 90 atk is turned from a 2 hit KO to a 3 turn knockout. Whats good about Kyurem's atk is that its not the worst idea to just spam it until Kyurem is knocked out, as it rlly holds no other purpose than to set up...After substanial spread damage is done, ur choice to keep buliding with another Kyurem is viable, OR Keldeo-EX can Rush In to sweep up the remains. Now, seeing as the deck runs nothing but Water Energies, Keldeo-EX is guarenteed a 90 right off the bat, and with 60+ damage on most everyone, Secret Sword wrecks for a devestating 150 hit, BUT with 3 atks from Kyurem, therefore putting 90 spread damage on everyone, those 3 energies on Keldeo-EX rack up to a staggering 180 atk and with 1 more energy, an unsurvivable 200 damage to await anything unfountunate enough to be on the field when Kyurem started atking. After Keldeo-EX is knocked out you can send out another Kyurem to spam more, most likely cleaning up anything Keldeo-EX missed and setting up for another Keldeo-EX at the same time, making this a fearsome loop...Something nice about this deck is that other than Blastoise, ur opponents Catcher dsnt give them a super-advantage seeing as if they catcher Kyurem u can just set up more for Keldeo-EX or if there r no energies attached, Rush In with Keldeo and keep going. A good thing too keep in mind is that Keldeo-EX is the one who (other than Blastoise) is most open to Catcher. So be sure to keep at least 2 or 3 energies on any benched Keldeo-EX's just in case...2 Blastoise for acceleration but only 2 as its just tech in the deck rather than a focal point and has the potenial to slow it down...2 Lapras as its Call for Family for 1 Water Energy lets u search for 2 Basic Pokemon, allowing u 1 Squirtle, 1 or 2 Keldeo-EX, and 1 or 2 Kyurem to get a full set up 2nd turn if u get it in ur 1st hand...1 Heavy Ball to replace a Blastoise card slot in a certian aspect...4 Juniper because its staple...3 N because its staple...2 Cheren because its kinda bad late game...2 Colress because its only good late game...2 Level Ball for Squirtle and Wartortle...Gold Potion as it pretty much gives u an extra turn to atk...2 Energy Search because a good amount of energies r required to set up Kyurem and Keldeo-EX...4 Pokemon Catcher...Ok, now Catcher in this deck is slightly more advantageous seeing as ur opponent selects the active to send out after the previous is knocked out, if they had benched a pokemon after Kyurem's wrath, they might send that out in an attempt to slow u down a bit, so Catcher can bypass this and just give u that benched pokemon with 60+ damage for that easy prize...2 Eviolite to attach to Kyurem (or Keldeo-EX although it benifits Kyurem much more)...2 Rocky Helmet to attach to Keldeo-EX because the possibility of ur opponent benching a pokemon to send out once Kyurem is done is likely ESPECIALLY if its game 2 and they know ur strategy, SO Rocky Helmet provides extra damage for Pokemon who avoided the spread turning the 90 into a 110 next turn and it'll keep stacking...2 Energy Switch to speed up Kyurem's set up...2 Skyla because Catcher, Rare Candy, Eviolite, and Rocky Helmet help u out alot more than u would think...2 Cilan because NO ONE is above getting Energy Screwed...

The biggest downside to this deck is that u need 6 energies to set up Kyurem and Keldeo-EX, but this is sped up a bit by Energy Switch (allowing u to get 2 on one of them in a turn), Energy Search, and Cilan you should be ok, and Blastoise is there for later...the good thing is that it usually takes till turn 3 or 4 for most EX's to start looking like a threat and by then u should be atking with Kyurem and getting ur Keldeo-EX set up unless u got a bad hand...PLUS there's nothing wrong with foddering out someone while u get the rest of ur crew set up

Deck List

x10 Water Energy

x2 Blastoise
x3 Kyurem
x3 Keldeo-EX
x1 Wartortle
{13 cards}

x4 Juniper
x3 N
x2 Cheren
x2 Colress
x2 Skyla
x4 Pokemon Catcher
x2 Rare Candy
x1 Heavy Ball
x2 Level Ball
x1 Gold Potion
x2 Energy Search
x2 Energy Retriveal
x2 Eviolite
x2 Rocky Helmet
x2 Energy Switch
x2 Cilan
{37 cards}
here my inputs based on your strategy
-1x Wartortle (Not needed because you only use Blastoise, also makes him venerable to OHKOs)
-2x Lapras (Slows the deck down, since you want to Glaciate 2nd turn)
-1x H. Ball (With this deck you cant rely on heavy ball)
-2x L. Ball (Same idea as H. Ball)
-2x Cheren (Replace these with Skyla to improve your T2 Blastoise chance)
-1x Gold Potion (Computer Search is a much better ACE SPEC for this deck since it can speed it up)
-2x E. Search (Not needed because of your high energy count anyway and all your Pokémon use water)
-2x Rocky Helmet (Trade these for better cards to improve T2 Blastoise or after setting up, like Energy Retrieval)
-2x Eviolite (With laser dmg this ends up being a waste of space. They will still OHKO your Kyurem anyway)
-2x E. Switch (No need because you have plenty of energy to go around)
-1x Cilan (Having two really stops your supporter usage. You are better using other supporters. You have alot of energy anyway)
+1x Blastoise (Reduces chance of both of them being prizes and if one gets KOd you can set up another one)
+2x Squirtle (Increase your chances of getting them on starting hand, in order for T2 Blastoise)
+2x Skyla (Gets you that Rare Candy or Ultra ball to get T2 Blastoise or later in the game that catcher you win game)
+2x Bianca (Since you will be Deluging water and discarding some items this helps you replentish your hand.)
+2x Rare Candy (This is your life blood to get Deluge ASAP, the more you have, more chances of having one around)
+4x Ultra Ball (Gets you ANY pokemon, ANY time of the match.
+2x E. Retrieval (gives you back that extra water power when your guys get KOd or when you retreat)
+3x Water Energy

Depending on where you play you can remove a Water for a tool scrapper.
If they run lasers alot take out a water and Bianca for two Pokemon Centers. (Tropical beach is the best but very hard card to get)