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Kyurem / Manaphy


Aspiring Trainer

  • 4 Kyurem PLF
    2 Manaphy PLS
    4 Deoxys Ex
    1 Fliptini
    2-2 Glaceon PLF

  • 4 Juniper
    3 N
    2 Colress
    3 Skyla
    1 Lysandre
    2 Plasma Ball
    2 Ultra Ball
    1 Scramble Switch
    3 Colress Machine
    3 Escape Rope/Switch
    1 Prof Letter
    3 Muscle Bands

  • 4 Plasma
    2 Rainbow
    6 Water

The list is still in complete, but the idea is there. To replace the energy acceleration from thundurus ex with Manapy to help make the deck a little more consistent and not have to add electric energy. It also allows you to fully power up glaceon and Kyurem in one turn instead of just attaching 1 energy that Thundurus allows. To further help out the deck, when manapy gets knocked out by damage from an attack, it lets you take 1 card from your deck.

Use Kyurem/Deoxys to take down the new fighting deck, Glaceon for Pyroar and free retreat. manapy for energy acceleration and take any card from your deck when its knocked out. I havent really played plasma before, so any suggestions on how to make this deck a little more consistently good?
RE: BCR-On Kyurem/Manapy

Interesting. I like the idea and see how it could be a good deck. I would drop the scarmble switch for computer search or dowsing machine so ou could get some wather energy in the discard pile.
RE: BCR-On Kyurem / Manaphy

I might swap the Muscle Bands for Silver Bangles, considering the fact that it can become so much easier to get the OHKO on things with Kyurem with Bangle, as you only need three Deoxys on the bench instead of the four. Now, because of this, I wonder if it wouldn't be a bad idea to take out the Rainbow because Deoxys won't be using the Bangle. But either way, it wouldn't make too much of a difference in the long run, seeing as you still need to have two Energy on the defending Pokemon to hit the magic number, 90. 110 and 80 just aren't that good right now without Lasers.

Just my two cents!
RE: BCR-On Kyurem / Manaphy

Yeah silver bangle is a better idea. I dont think i plan on using lasers. While they are good, and i hate them so. I sort of think that plasma frigate might be a better bet. Psychic pokemon are going to be pretty popular with the huge rise in fighting types. 1 Deoxys could take on a few mewtwo if it doesnt take SE damage as well.

I also cant decide if i want to use Rainbow or Psychic energy. Rainbow provides both water and psychic for my deck. But i can use prof letter for psychic, rather than having to dig for rainbow.

I also noticed im missing Startling Megaphones.