• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

Lagoon of Madness! (Blastoise EX / Feraligatr / Walrein / Dusclops)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 1- Blastoise EX XY30 Promo
    3- Totodile PF15
    2- Croconaw PF16
    1- Feraligatr PF17
    3- Spheal FF24
    2- Sealeo FF25
    1- Walrein FF26
    2- Espurr FF42
    2- Meowstic FF43
    2- Duskull FF38
    2- Dusclops FF39
    2- Sentret FF81
    1- Furret FF82
    2- Miltank FF83
    1- Girafarig PF82

    Total 27 Pokemon

  • 4- Professor's Letter
    2- Evosoda
    1- Ultra Ball
    1- Great Ball
    1- Pal Pad
    2- Professor Sycamore
    2- Tierno
    1- Shauna
    2- Training Center

    Total 16 Trainers

  • 9- Water Energy
    7- Psychic Energy
    1- Double Colorless Energy

    Total 17 Energy


I used to play the Pokemon TCG back in the day, I played from release and was prominent in my local league through Team Rocket to early Gold/Silver. I quit just before the release of the Ruby/Sapphire expansions. Since then I have played a lot of Magic: The Gathering, and I think my deck here reflects my play style in that game. I know that the mechanics don't transfer at all, but it is habit I guess. While not as complex, this also reflects my tournament deck from the good old years.

My strategy is simple, to beat down an opponent, knocking out Pokemon, and to maintain card advantage through the game. I used the Theme Decks Bolt Twister and Mystic Typhoon, along with the Blastoise EX Promo Tin and several boosters to build Lagoon of Madness.

My selection is quite limited, as you can imagine. I plan on attending at my League this coming weekend and I want to find if this can be even remotely competitive. Any improvements that I can make can only really be done through what I currently own, but I will make them as needed.

Thank you for your help!
RE: Returning Theme Combo Deck. Lagoon of Madness!

I'm sorry to say that most league decks will mow over the deck you've made.
So, is that all of the trainers you have?
Also, check out these links if you haven't already:
And this
RE: Returning Theme Combo Deck. Lagoon of Madness!

bbninjas said:
I'm sorry to say that most league decks will mow over the deck you've made.
So, is that all of the trainers you have?
Also, check out these links if you haven't already:
And this

I figured as much. Essentially I have combined 2 theme decks which doesn't give me much on the way of resources.

I have more trainers, but not much in the way of variety.
Crushing Hammer, Roller Skates, Muscle Band, Poké Ball, Potion, Protection Cube, Trick Coin, Blacksmith, Pokémon Center Lady, Pokémon Fan Club, and Team Flare Grunt.

I do have some awesome trade cards that I can probably use to build a decent deck at the event, but I would rather do it before. I am sitting on a pulled Holo, full art Xerneas EX XY146 which would help, but I would love to build a deck around it when I have some Fairy compatible cards.
RE: Returning Theme Combo Deck. Lagoon of Madness!

Dalrynn said:
bbninjas said:
I'm sorry to say that most league decks will mow over the deck you've made.
So, is that all of the trainers you have?
Also, check out these links if you haven't already:
And this

I figured as much. Essentially I have combined 2 theme decks which doesn't give me much on the way of resources.

I have more trainers, but not much in the way of variety.
Crushing Hammer, Roller Skates, Muscle Band, Poké Ball, Potion, Protection Cube, Trick Coin, Blacksmith, Pokémon Center Lady, Pokémon Fan Club, and Team Flare Grunt.

I do have some awesome trade cards that I can probably use to build a decent deck at the event, but I would rather do it before. I am sitting on a pulled Holo, full art Xerneas EX XY146 which would help, but I would love to build a deck around it when I have some Fairy compatible cards.

Muscle Band, Roller Skates, Fan Club and Center Lady are some pretty good trainers.

A good idea would be to buy too Resilient Life theme decks and merge them like this:
Pokemon - 21

4 Xerneas
4 Spritzee
2 Aromatisse
2 Mr.Mime
4 Venipede
3 Whirlipede
2 Scolipede

Trainers - 22

2 Evosoda
2 Fairy Garden
3 Great Ball
2 Max Revive
3 Tierno
4 Professor's Letter
2 Professor Sycamore
2 Roller Skates
2 Super Potion

Energy - 17

10 Fairy
7 Psychic

Of cause, you would add Xerneas and some of the better trainers, but this would be a good starter.
RE: Returning Theme Combo Deck. Lagoon of Madness!

What about considering my current cards? I would love to be able to build up on Fairy and Xerneas, but that is not really feasible for me at the moment. I could switch focus and eliminate the Psychic portion of the deck, building up 2-2 Galvantula and 3-3 Heliolisk sets.

I guess a better way to phrase my initial question is, "I am expecting to perform poorly in my first few league events, what can I do with the cards that I have that can help me perform a little better? I am planning on expanding and building my collection, therefore my deck's abilities as I relearn the game."

Speaking of which, I have been playing on PTCGO, testing out my builds in game and seeing how they perform. So far, I am sitting 3-4. I don't consider that too bad considering my lack of knowledge of the metagame and my hatred of EX riding decks.
RE: Returning Theme Combo Deck. Lagoon of Madness!

I certainly suggest focusing more on your Water/Electric. Meowistic isn't really too helpful unless you use a type of damage spreading attack, and Dusclops isn't very powerful at all.

You could go for damaging with Strikeback, then using Meowistic to put ~2 damage counters on each Pokemon, and then strike back each one with your added damage.