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LandoBats (Landorus EX / Crobat)


I am Neos. Who are you?
After 6 months of not playing Pokemon and going to play Yugioh and Vanguard, I decided to quit both because those games dont have an awesome variety of decks like Pokemon. Also, Pokemon dont have a one deck meta (NEKROZ) but have a ton of decks that are good. Pokemon is very balenced. Anyways, this deck interested me because of the awesome numbers. You either win early or lose early with this deck. Pretty sick.


  • 4-4-4 Crobat
    2 Landorus EX
    2 Lucario EX
    2 Hawlucha

  • 4 Professor Juniper
    3 N
    3 Korrina
    2 Colress
    1 Lysandre
    1 AZ
    1 Lysandre's Trump Card

    3 Fighting Stadium

    4 Super Scoop Up
    1 Scoop Up Cyclone
    2 VS Seeker
    3 Ultra Ball
    2 Switch
    1 Professor's Letter
    3 Muscle Band

  • 4 Strong Energy
    4 Fighting Energy


What you want to do is to jack up Landorus' attacks with Muscle Band, Strong Energies and Fighting Stadiums and after that you just put down Golbats and Crobats and just wipe them out. This deck is just awesome. Feedback would be appreciated :)
RE: LandoBats (Landorus/Crobat)

Meh, it looks like a normal land bat deck to me. I personally don't like the simpler decks of the current meta, a much much MUCH more strategist deck is maxiechamp. it's still a fighting deck but it's pure damage capability for low energy and it's ability to keep the damage flow coming is just amazing to me. I'll stop there though because that's a bit off topic. But I think taking out 2 VS seekers and a Lysandre for another scoop up and 2 Colress would make the support line a bit more consistent because Colress can let you draw up to 10 cards and that's pretty helpful if you ask me.
RE: LandoBats (Landorus/Crobat)

Well this is just a deck to play online for fun because the prices are just a bit crazy with the pokemon line being close to $90. But Flareon is something I like, and with Pooka's video, he was Trump Carded and still came back and hit 160 dmg. Also, it is cheap and fits my tight $100-125 budget.
RE: LandoBats (Landorus / Crobat)

Flareon is another great option but I suggest practicing it a lot. There are little mistakes you can make in Flareon making it tough to play.

Only change I would make to that deck is to take out 1 Super scoop up for another VS Seeker.
RE: LandoBats (Landorus / Crobat)

If it's gotta fit in a price rage then I could give you my maxiechamp deck formula if you wanted, it's relatively cheap, not as cheap as a Flareon deck but it can deal a ton of damage and is very effective if you can make the combo.