Whole idea behind this deck is slow and steady. Garbodors here to shut ability decks (blastoise/pyroar), main attackers here are Landorus' and Mewtwos a good backup for the inevitable Yveltal matchup. Swellow I love and have been wanting a deck for him, hes essentially a free catcher every turn if I need to stall or drag forward someone who's weak from lando's first attack doing damage. Poke catchers are here for the just in case, switch is almost obligatory nowadays. I run energy ret's because the low amount of energy in the deck I need some way to keep it coming back, and a reliable way to get one if lando dies.
Any thoughts
4 Landorus EX
2-2 Garbodor
2-2 Swellow
1 Mewtwo EX
Total: 13
4x Enhanced Hammer
3x Crushing Hammer
4x N
2x Float Stone
3x Muscle Band
3x Ultra Ball
2x Pokemon Catcher
4x Professor Sycamore
3x Energy Retreval
2x Virbank Gym
4x Hypnotoxic Laser
2x Skyla
2x Switch
2x Max Potion
7 fighting
Total: 7
Whole idea behind this deck is slow and steady. Garbodors here to shut ability decks (blastoise/pyroar), main attackers here are Landorus' and Mewtwos a good backup for the inevitable Yveltal matchup. Swellow I love and have been wanting a deck for him, hes essentially a free catcher every turn if I need to stall or drag forward someone who's weak from lando's first attack doing damage. Poke catchers are here for the just in case, switch is almost obligatory nowadays. I run energy ret's because the low amount of energy in the deck I need some way to keep it coming back, and a reliable way to get one if lando dies.
Any thoughts