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Landorus EX / Crobat / Leafeon


Aspiring Trainer

  • 3 Landorus EX
    1 Hawlucha (FFI)
    2 Manectric EX
    4-4-3 Crobat (PHF)
    2-2 Leafeon (PLF)
    total: 21


  • 1 Computer Search
    1 Professor's Letter
    1 Bicycle
    2 Ultra Ball
    3 VS Seeker
    2 Head Ringer
    1 Scoop Up
    2 Muscle Band
    2 Fighting Stadium
    4 Professor Sycamore
    2 AZ
    1 Xerosic
    3 N
    2 Lysandre
    3 Korrina
    total: 30

  • 3 Fighting Energy
    4 Strong Energy
    2 Lightning Energy
    total: 9


Right so the plan is to open with Landorus and start dealing damage quickly with one energy. While evolving the Crobat line and piling on the pressure with more damage to bench. Manectric is for dealing with Yvetal while Hawlucha is a backup especially against Seismitoad. I use Scoop-ups and AZ to pick up the Crobats and repeat the sneaky bite process but also on Landorus if my opponent can't OHKO it.
My problem is I am having trouble dealing the outragers, especially Kyurem. I think I need something as a back-up for damage perhaps a Mewtwo? But any help would be great.

*EDIT* So after some more tests I have dropped a couple of energy as I have a lot of 1 energy attacks I don't need 11 and Prof's letter. I have also dropped one Hawlucha and Crobat (the chances of having 4 crobat out are slim and I don't think 4 are necessary to get the effect off). I have added a 2-2 Leafeon line to deal with toads more effectively than Hawlucha (IMO) and with the new PC stuff out it should come in handy.
Dropped a super scoop up and added another VS seeker to get those AZ in hand later in the game.
RE: Landorus EX/Crobat/Leafeon

-2 Manectric (Not worth the attacker. As seen in the recent Regionals, these guys are not needed.)
-2 Eevee (Not worth the attacker. As seen in the recent Regionals, these guys are not needed.)
-2 Leafeon (Not worth the attacker. As seen in the recent Regionals, these guys are not needed.)
-2 AZ (You don't want to use this guy, as it takes up your turn's supporter.)
-2 Head Ringer (Disruption isn't really the key in this deck)
-2 Lightning Energy (No need)
-1 Bicycle (Not worth a spot)
-1 Xerosic (Don't really need this)

+1 Crobot (Full line!)
+2 Hawlucha (Amazingly powerful in decks like this)
+1 Fighting Stadium (Consistency)
+2 Scoop Up Cyclone (both to recycle bats and renew and remove damage counters from your other attackers. You can even bench and place damage/energy back on the pokemon straight away, any way.)
+1 Ultra Ball (Consistency)
+2 Muscle Band (Consistency)
+3 Fighting Energy (Consistency)
RE: Landorus EX/Crobat/Leafeon

When you start testing against some of the PC Mega decks (if you haven't already), you will find that Leafeon will be INVALUABLE.

Also, I do believe that Manectric EX will not be as useful vs. Hawlucha. Opponents' Hawluchas, Medichams, PC Groudon EXs can 1HKO Manectric EXs. I would suggest replacing this Poke.

Having played a variety of F decks featuring a starting Landorus EX, having 1 Max Potion helped alot.

With only 4 P Sycamore and 3 N for card drawing, I think 7 total cards are insufficient (despite the 3 VSSs), especially with only 1 Bicycle.

KOing the Zubats early (and often) is a solid strategy to counter this deck; so, you may need to incorporate a Lysandre's Trump Card in order to recover and recycle easily KOd Poke and other discarded resources.

Given the above comments, I suggest the following changes for your consideration:

  • -2 Manectric EX
    +1 Hawlucha
    +1 Landorus - to help recover discarded F energy

    -2 Head Ringer - IMO, these slots can be used for other, more useful cards
    +1 Pokemon Fan Club - to help get your bench setup faster
    +1 Lysandre's Trump Card

    -1 Super Scoop Up
    +1 Max Potion

    -1 Xerosic - great card, but think this slot cold be utilized more e ffectively
    +1 Colress - more and different card-draw support

    -1 Korrina - with "few" F Poke, 2 should be sufficient, IMO
    +1 Bicycle - more card-draw support
    - - - or - - -
    +1 F
    - - - or - - -
    +1 Cassius or Pokemon Center Lady - to save wounded or status-affected Poke

    -2 L
    +2 F
I hope you find these comments helpful.
RE: Landorus EX/Crobat/Leafeon

TuxedoBlack said:

  • -1 Super Scoop Up
    +1 Max Potion
Why? One of the main things that makes this deck so much more better is the Super Scoop Up AceSpec and the Scoop Up Cyclones. Recycling not only your bats to be able to hit more damage, but also replenishing your main, 1-energy attackers. The AceSpec doesn't even have a drawback, while Super Scoop Up is only dependent on flips, but can really turn the game around.
RE: Landorus EX/Crobat/Leafeon

bbninjas said:
TuxedoBlack said:

  • -1 Super Scoop Up
    +1 Max Potion
Why? One of the main things that makes this deck so much more better is the Super Scoop Up AceSpec and the Scoop Up Cyclones. Recycling not only your bats to be able to hit more damage, but also replenishing your main, 1-energy attackers. The AceSpec doesn't even have a drawback, while Super Scoop Up is only dependent on flips, but can really turn the game around.
Megatron0 has Computer Search listed as his Ace Spec....