This is a deck I have been thinking about since the most recent city tournaments, after hearing about the win that a similar deck had at the St. Louis Regional tournament. Landorus EX is the main attacker with Lucario EX as a back up attacker because I only have 2 Landorus EX. Hawlucha is a great non EX attacker that can hit hard. Crobat is used to get extra damage on my opponents Pokemon with the the abilities of Crobat and Golbat. Leafeon is in the deck as another single energy attacker that hits Seismitoad EX hard. Leafeon is also a good attacker against the new primal Pokemon. I am tempted to put a Grass Energy in the deck to use Eevee's Energy Evolution to get Leafeon out quick.
2 Landorus EX
1 Luccario EX
3 Hawlucha
3-3-3 Crobat
2-2 Leafeon (PLF)
4 Professor Juniper
4 N
2 Lysandre
2 Pokemon Fan Club
2 Korrina
2 VS Seeker
1 Lysandre's Trump Card
3 VS Seeker
3 Muscle Band
3 Super Scoop Up
1 Computer Search
1 Max Potion
1 Battle Compressor
3 Fighting Stadium
4 Strong Energy
5 Fighting energy
This is a deck I have been thinking about since the most recent city tournaments, after hearing about the win that a similar deck had at the St. Louis Regional tournament. Landorus EX is the main attacker with Lucario EX as a back up attacker because I only have 2 Landorus EX. Hawlucha is a great non EX attacker that can hit hard. Crobat is used to get extra damage on my opponents Pokemon with the the abilities of Crobat and Golbat. Leafeon is in the deck as another single energy attacker that hits Seismitoad EX hard. Leafeon is also a good attacker against the new primal Pokemon. I am tempted to put a Grass Energy in the deck to use Eevee's Energy Evolution to get Leafeon out quick.