The strategy is pretty simple, hit hard and fast. The speed of this deck is unlike anything seen before, and it generally having Landorus hitting for 80/30 by your second turn.:
x4 Landorus EX
x4 Lucario EX
x4 - 1 - 4 Machamp (FF)
x1 Landorus (FF)
x3 Professor Sycamore
x3 Colress
x3 Korina
x3 Lysandre
x1 Battle Reporter
x2 Fighting Stadium
x3 Muscle Band
x3 Rare Candy
x2 Ultra Ball
x2 Switch
x1 Startling Megaphone
x1 Bicycle
x1 Professors Letter
x1 Computer Search
x4 Strong Energy
x9 Fighting Energy
The strategy is pretty simple, hit hard and fast. The speed of this deck is unlike anything seen before, and it generally having Landorus hitting for 80/30 by your second turn.: