Ruling Lanette's Net Search

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Lt. Empoleon

On the card, it says, "Search your deck for three different types ok Pokemon."

Does that mean you have to search for three different pokemon?,
(i.e. Bagon, Budew, and Burmy)or three different types of Pokemon?
(i.e. Psyduck, Chimchar, and Magnemite)?Or can you search for three of the same? (i.e. Totodile, Totodile, and Totodile d)
Compendium said:
Q. When using Lanette's Net Search, what does the word "types" mean in this? Does that mean different names or different types as in fighting, colorless, etc?
A. Lanette's Net Search refers to "type", meaning Fighting, Lightning, Colorless, etc. (Sep 25, 2003 PUI Rules Team)
OK, thanks Psychic Pokemon Master. Now I know that my brother was cheating all those times. :p
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