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Lanturn Toolbox in the making


Samurai Sea Lion
Advanced Member
Hello everyone. I am Moe1216, better known simply as Moe by friend and foe alike, and I have come here to ask for your help and criticism. I've come to a great realization about the current format that stage 2's which I've used extensively sadly fall short nowadays due to high speed stage 1's like Donphan and Yanmega Prime, so I've had to give up my favorite pokes to adapt to ever changing format. To learn more about speed and consistency I did research on the previous format decks and two caught my eye; Dialgachomp and Vilegar. I want to build a deck, probably impossible I know, that could give that same feel that works as toolbox deck while also applying trainer lock as Trainers will be used out the wazoo this time thanks to Pokemon Catcher coming out in Emerging Powers. Your critique and help are much appreciated and I have but one request: please don't say try donphan or yanmega. I sadly don't have the money or the resources to get those cards.

2 : Lanturn (Prime), UL-86
2 : Chinchou, UL-48
2 : Vileplume, UD-24
1 : Gloom, UD-27
2 : Oddish, UD-60
2 : Zoroark, BW-71
2 : Zorua, BW-70
2 : Cinccino, BW-89
2 : Minccino, BW-88
2 : Cleffa, CL-24

4 : Pokemon Communication, BW-99
2 : Dual Ball, UL-72
2 : Switch, GS-102
3 : Rare Candy, UL-82
2 : Energy Exchanger, UD-73
4 : Professor Oak's New Theory, CL-83
3 : Professor Elm's Training Method, CL-82
2 : Twins, TM-89
4 : Pokemon Collector, GS-97

4 : {C} {C}
11 : {L}

The deck's idea is to attack consistently while adapting to situations, with Zoroark able to throw attacks back at the user or use sniping attacks against the bench like Yanmega's or Mandibuzz's. Cinccino is there to hit consistently for 100 for one dce as long as I've got a full bench and can start doing that as early as turn 2. Lanturn is there because he hits, Donphan, Yanmega, Mandbuzz, Reshiram, Kingdra, etc for 2x damage thanks to his Poke-Power Underwater Dive and that just seemed too nice to pass up right now. Vileplume is there in 2-1-2 line to activate trainer lock as it in testing has saved me many times since it stopped communications, reversals, plus powers and so on.

I know the deck doesn't seem like much of a toolbox deck, but I hope you, my fellow players, can help me. Thank you.