Las Vegas Cities anyone?


Ahhhhh of
who will be there? me and two others are going. i will be in masters along with my friend who is using gentina i guess i would call it lol. we have another friend that will be in senior and is running Donchamp most likely. i haven't figured out what to use for cities yet.
ya i am. havnt been to any leagues yet or anything so this will be my first time doing any kind of organized play.
Good to see that Vegas events are going online. I will be there with my premier ball play mat... Poke me and say hello if you wish to =]
@ idrumprettywell she (i know a girl in pokemon TCG :eek:) isnt on pokebeach but she might not even use donchamp. she said something about using a crobat prime deck.

@ konter lol his the decks that i mentioned are not what you would expect lol. have you ever seen donchamp with one of its main attackers being kricketune? i think not rofl.

@ metapro are you in masters?
psssssshhhhhhh i wish i had that many BTS.....i only have one.

im in masters and im thinking my electric deck i just need more sunnyshore gyms and its ready to go. if not it will be crippled by donchamp or anything with donphan or machamp because all the main guys are 2x weak. if i dont get more then my grass phychic with roserade leafeon x combo.
I should be able to bring you all what ever you need... Including entire decks. Just remind me to do so. If all else fails, bother the Hines family about it... I am masters btw. Catutie, I don't think I have met you. If we will see each other at the same league often, we should talk at cities...

The senior playing donchamp is probably francisco's sister.
first time doing any kind of official tornament. we have done just small tornaments of about 6. (i would have won but for miracle powder i picked asleep instead of paralyzed....stupid me lol). i will look out for ya and hopfully ill verse ya. whats your name? mine is dellainey so look out for me.
metapro... who are you? lol i'm the senior that won the henderson cities... i was just wondering if i knew you
and yeah, that's who i was thinking was playing donchamp
all three of us taht are going have never been to any official thing so no...that wasnt them that played donchamp
my electric deck (amphvirezone? lol.) or my grass psychic with leafeon x roserade combo. i updated both of them and havnt been able to test them yet. im dellainey, my friend that might use donchamp is brianne and she is....ok at pokemon. she has just now started making some good decks (donchamp, lanturn prime). my other friend is kasey and he is in masters to and he is really good well he beats me all the time and i hope i dont verse him because i will lose lol. also he is in search of a Rayquaza Deoxys legend bottom half. he will trade almost anything for it. he has pulled 4 top halfs so far and no bottoms lol
@idrumprettywell he said he will trade a top half of RDL for it lol.

also i forgot to ask. what is the metagame like here. i havnt been to any leagues or anything so i have no clue. im just making a good deck that hits hard and fast.