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Latoise (Latios EX / Blastoise)


Aspiring Trainer
  • 4 Squirtle
  • 4 Blastoise
  • 4 Latios EX
  • 2 Keldeo EX
  • 2 Sigilyph (safeguard)
  • 1 Voltorb
  • 1 Electrode
  • 4 Professor Sycamore
  • 4 Shuana
  • 3 Skyla
  • 2 Colress
  • 4 Rare Candy
  • 3 Professor's Letter
  • 2 Heavy Ball
  • 2 Ultra Ball
  • 2 Muscle Band
  • 2 Superior Energy Retrieval
  • 2 Energy Retrieval
  • 1 Super Rod
  • 1 Battle City
  • 7 Water
  • 3 Psychic
A little differnet version of a Blastoise Deck. The strategy is to get three energy and a musle band on Latios EX which will do 170 damege with the Luster purge attack knocking out alot of popular EX pokemon in one hit. I like to use Sigilyph over suicune because I think it is more versaitile. I do not have any Tropical beach and I dont have $400 to buy two of them. But other than that what would you all change.

Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon
RE: Latoise

Why Latios over Black Kyurem or perhaps even Kyruem EX, which does the same thing for more energy, but has better recoil and a better first attack? More synergy with Sigilyph?
RE: Latoise

I went with Latios because I had a few of them. Kyruem EX could also have been viable but I only had one at the time. Black Kyurem is the best choice for a blastoise deck but it is expensive. I also like latios EX first attack. It is has won me a couple of games. Sigilyph over suicine because i was already running psychic energy and sigilyph as the potential to do more damage if i have to attack with it.
RE: Latoise

I see. I would like to start this off by saying that I do like it, and I think you should focus a bit more on the fact that Latios requires only three energy to attack where both of those other options require four. This will definitely set you apart from other decks in general, and give you an edge that they don't due to your hand flexibility. And, if you want to take advantage of his much better first attack, then I have an interesting strategem for you that may, or may not, work out well.

Let's get down to it!:

-1 Latios EX -- Whereas this is your main attacker, you shouldn't have four of them. Black Kyruem variants don't, and neither should you.

-1 Heavy Ball -- You can only search for Blastoise with them. It's not like you're running Black Kyruem, so once you get a Blastoise out, you have a dead card in your hand.

-1 Superior Energy Retrieval -- You discard cards from your hand, and especially after you've been N'd (and you will be) you won't have all that much to discard, which means more than one of these are going to be going into the Discard more often than not.

-1 Battle City -- The Poor Man's Beach isn't that good, in my opinion, for what this deck could be doing. Besides, I haven't seen much of any Frozen City anymore. It's like they dropped off the face of the Earth.

-1 Sigilyph -- One's okay, two is pretty excessive, in my opinion.

-1 Colress -- Horrible early game for this deck, so this low number keeps it from your early game hand.

And add in...

+1 Energy Retrieval -- So here's the deal. You would normally discarding your hand with Superior Energy Retrieval, and in a hand-based deck, that's nasty. But, since Latios requires three energy instead of four, you can simply attach two and one from your hand, not having to rely on Superior's discarding to ruin your fun by discarding bucket loads of resources.

+4 Hypnotoxic Laser -- Okay, so here's why I think this fickle card should be in your deck. When you Muscle Band a Luster Purge, it deals 170 damage to the active, but if they're not 170 HPers, then you're sunk. You've managed to waste a Luster Purge. Bummer. Then you play a Laser and bring that nice 170 into an even better 180, KOing most everything. You don't have to worry about Virizion because you're going to OHKO that and Genesect anyway, slamming it with your Muscle Banded Luster Purge. Plus, as an added incentive, Mach Flight deals forty, then sixty with a Muscle Band, preventing the defending Pokemon from retreating, right? Then you play a Laser and build up even more damage for those tight situations.

Just a couple of thoughts I thought could be helpful! :D
RE: Latoise

Yeah Actually I posted the first one I realised that I would really not need four Latios EX, so I dropped that down to three. I got rid of one of the heavy balls as well. As far as the rest of the changes you suggested I may look into them to see how well they work for me. Do you think the energy energy count is sufficent. And I realised i didnt have any float stones in the deck to rush in retreat Keldeo in the event of a status condition.
RE: Latoise

You can drop a Blastoise (4-0-3; or even 3-1-3, it00. has worked prefectly for me) and a Professor's Letter (I believe 3 is too much) for 2 Float Stones?
RE: Latoise

Yeah that is what I was thinking would be the best to get rid of because I almost always end up discarding a blastoise or two because i have one out already. Yeah the three count professors is a little to much bcause i almost always dont use all three.
RE: Latoise

I have found that 4/1/3 Blastoise is pretty good because every once in a while you just can't get the candy and blastoise in the same hand. The 4 squirrel helps so that you can usually just use a draw supporter to get one and use an ultra ball for something else. Of course 4/1/4 is still the best if you can find the space.