Laura's Field Sketchbook.


Aspiring Trainer
Hi there everyone. ^_^ My name's Laura; I'm an art student. Having said that I'm quite surprised at the lack of pokemon related artwork I've made so hopefully making this thread here will help change that, haha.
For the time being, I'll post what I do have, even if it's not much. I hope you like it!

Artwork listed oldest - newest.

Shinx - this must have been one of the first digital pieces of artwork I ever did; about 7 or 8 years ago. I'd love to redraw this sometime to see how much I've improved since then. xD
Started (but never finished) this sketch of Serperior about 4 years ago, when Black & white first came out.
Cool Serperior! You've got a great subtle way of shading. I'd love to see your recent stuff!