Ruling LBS killer


Pokemon Amethyst Spriter
There is this kid at my league that has a Cacturne ex/Blaziken EM and it killed LBS. But a questions? If you have Cacturne ex active and your opponent plays a Holon's Eletode or Holon's Magnamite can they do that?
Poke Power- Cursed Glare
As long as Cacturne ex is your Active Pokémon, your opponent can't attach any Special Energy cards (except for Steel and Darness Energy cards) from his or her hand to his or her Active Pokémon.
no, i don't think so since elecrode and magneton count as special energies. let's have someone else post and see what they say. could you by chance get a list of that deck so we can look at it.

Arcanine out.
here is the deck list

Pokemon x17
4 Cacturne ex
4 Cacnea [EM]
2 Torchic [EM]
1 Combuskin [EM]
2 Blaziken [EM]
2 Jarichi [HL]
2 Nosepass [EM]

Trainers x 27
4 Battle Frontier
4 TV Reporter
4 Steven's Advice
4 Great Ball
3 Pokemon Reversal
2 Rocket's Admin
2 NRG Removal 2

NRG x16
9 Grass Energy
7 Fire Energy

Not sure on most of the energy and trainers but when I played him he played a lot of Power Tree and Steven's Advice. Now this deck killed Steelix with Blaziken EM. But the only thing that really helped him was Nosepass. It was his first starting Pokemon and he went second and great balled for Canea and then PETM for Cacturne ex. Second turn Nosepass used Wide Laser for a billion turns until he knockout Jirachi and everything on the LBs deck had 60 damage on it. After that Blaziken and Cacturne could add more damage to their attacks and that basiclly finishthe LBS out.

jiggly said:no he can't it is a pokémon and a special energy
but the attack shuts off Soecial Enrgies so it probably would shut it off. But I don't know.
Ofcourse it shuts it down,
holons' magtrodes clearly said counts as special energy when in play.
From the moment that you attach it, it counts as special energy

a good LBS player wouldnt wait for you to put 60 damge on everything before they attacked you. thats why you asseume that it kills it, correct? well please think again as i have played against so many cacturne variants that it's not even funny and none of them can beat LBS consistantly. this may be one of the better ones but ive played against blazturne before and it doesnt hurt that much. all you have to do is ko nosepass early which isnt that hard. then you snipe the torchics/combuskens. cacturnes power doesnt hurt that much because a lot of LBS will either just use switch for pidgeot then attach an retreat for the kill. or they will just not play steelix and dance with their lugias.
This is totally wrong Waliken. First whoever said the stragie would let you play Combusken and Torchic to get kiled by Steelix. And secondly some LBS players can't get a good set up and let Jarichi die. They defently retreated and had steelix ex all powered up and ready to go and with atleast 3 damage counters on all of his poke's. but if he killed Nosepass he would have to face Caturne and the guy had to Holon's Pokes there just in case. If he tryed to attack Cacturne he would not knock it out and suffer from not playing Special NRGs and get killed. Now I know that 40 if not a lot for and attack with Resistence to it but its enough to killed a 60 damage Steelix that has a huge retreat cost and maybe they don't have a switch. Thridly this guy had a one energyed Blaziken with a fire and power tree in hand and that enough for it to get ready. Last if they go crazy with lugia, try agian. No way in hell thats gonna help. Al together LBS doesn't stand a chance against this deck even if the swami of the LBS deck is playing. Also if they play Latias* it won't even help. Has for you Waliken, I'm sorry, but that was just horible a piece of advice. And I'm pretty sure you have no clue what your talking about.
this happen to me at a recent states tournament

cacturne ex does not stop the attachment of a holon poke, becuase it clearly states it is not a special energy until attached and only when it is attched to a pokemon is it a special energy so cacturne pokepower is negated as if it is not there
Since it isn't in the Compendium, usually the next thing to do is to search the Ask the Masters forum at the gym. And here's the answer. CG stops Holons.

Personally, the Dusclops in Miracle Crystal may be extremely dangerous for LBS... it's got Cursed Glare and Psychic Shield. Ouch!
Well...I think that kid knows how to play, or that was a bad LBS deck, since Cacturne only stops from attaching to active, not bench. I really don't see the problem. Blastoise could still do energy rain, and use HolonTrode on abenched steelix or lugia or Blastoise.

Thanks for clearing that up for me bass_forte

Kaito said:Hiya,
Well...I think that kid knows how to play, or that was a bad LBS deck, since Cacturne only stops from attaching to active, not bench. I really don't see the problem. Blastoise could still do energy rain, and use HolonTrode on abenched steelix or lugia or Blastoise.


Well Kaito thats what I was saying. If they power up bench it still won't help. Cause they have to discard anyways. An then they can'y attach again. That kid did now how to play. He played against a teenager and one. But the kids dad does play Pokemon so that helped to. The kid played very good against the teenager and played the right cards at the right time.


Also I mistake I saw in the deck Its not Power Tree its Battle Frontier. And its not Jarichi [DX] it's [HL].

yes, but you still can use Energy rain on Blastoise an attack cacturne or Ohko Blaziken with it. Or just Metal Charge everything. Not all of LBS needs to discard. Plus, Steelix have resistence to Cacturne.

Everyone wants a good lecture from me don't they?

Now Kaito as I was saying Energy Raining kills this deck. Nosepass can add a bit off damage to Steelix or Onix. Now Nosepass does first turn Draw a card. Then the LBS player will mentor always. Thinkin Nosepass aint a threat. After they try to get something up to kill Nosepass or a bench Cacturne ex or Blaziken. Now Blazikens attak will do more and kill Steelix. Mostly LBS players won't play 2 Steelix a game cause they don't need to. But Battle Frontier will help with Pidgeot if they arent using Power Tree yet. Then if they can't get it they normally play Jarichi and Wishing Star for one. Now Steelix can't kill Blaz and Cacturne right away. And that helps add more for Blaz as I said. This deck can shut LBS PERIOD! So if your thinkin that this can get killed by LBS your totally wrong. For Katio, don't try and find another way cause your just gonna get a huge Paragraph from me telling you your wrong. Steelix is no problem to this deck. It will knock it self out with all those damage counters. And the bench is no safe place for this deck.
**Whoah** typing so much just to tell people their wrong.
you dont get it do you? you dont need steelix for this match. if you see a torchic then you dont even lay down onix. also a lot of LBS lists are playig blissey now so they can wipe off the damage. sure you lose your energy but thats what power tree is for and the damage removal is optional. and please dont just assume that i have no idea what i am talking about. there are a number of variables that could effect the match. some examples are: how many lugias do they play? how many retrievers do they play? what is their steelix line? how many switch cards do they have? do they play blissey? do they play celebi? and kaito was right, the LBS player doesnt necesarily have to discard to attack. also, on the subject of having to retreat a pokemon, if you dont ever put down steelix what is there to worry about for retreating? blastoise. and if he hits the active spot, he'll stay there until he's knocked out unless the LBS player decides to play one of their switch cards. pm me an LBS list that is "good" to you and ill send you mine for comparison purposes. also if you wish to continue this argument with me lets finish it through pm. i'll also actually help with some suggestions for the list. i would have to say drop the er2s for the 4th reversal and the second combusken because there are no candies.
RE:  LBS killer

Waliken said:
you dont get it do you? you dont need steelix for this match. if you see a torchic then you dont even lay down onix. also a lot of LBS lists are playig blissey now so they can wipe off the damage. sure you lose your energy but thats what power tree is for and the damage removal is optional. and please dont just assume that i have no idea what i am talking about. there are a number of variables that could effect the match. some examples are: how many lugias do they play? how many retrievers do they play? what is their steelix line? how many switch cards do they have? do they play blissey? do they play celebi? and kaito was right, the LBS player doesnt necesarily have to discard to attack. also, on the subject of having to retreat a pokemon, if you dont ever put down steelix what is there to worry about for retreating? blastoise. and if he hits the active spot, he'll stay there until he's knocked out unless the LBS player decides to play one of their switch cards. pm me an LBS list that is "good" to you and ill send you mine for comparison purposes. also if you wish to continue this argument with me lets finish it through pm. i'll also actually help with some suggestions for the list. i would have to say drop the er2s for the 4th reversal and the second combusken because there are no candies.

LBS does not stand a chance against this deck if they don't attack with steelix. That all I have to say.

The deck sounds good, but I'd have to agree with Waliken. A lot of LBS play Blissey ex, which will undo all the nosepass damage done at the beginning. I think Cacturne/Blaziken may have an edge against LBS if the LBS player hasn't played a deck like it before, and get startled by not being able to attach holon pokemon to their active.

There are a couple of problems I see with the current Cacturne/Blaziken deck. Firstly, it doesn't play any searching what-so-ever, so it could be very hard to Frontier lock them. Also, you only play basic energies, so it'll take you 3 turns to get out someone doing decent damage. That seems like too long against a deck like LBS.

I also dont know why steelix must be in this matchup. IMO, LBS would do well focusing on Blastoise ex/Lugia ex. Blastoise ex can OHKO anything in Cact/Blaz except for Cacturne ex. LBS should just OHKO each Cacturne ex you send out, with Lugia ex, and everyone else, with Blastoise ex. BLS can take your Cacnturne ex's down prize for prize with Lugia ex, and take your Blazikens down without losing a prize, so I dont see what LBS have to be too afraid of. Sure, Cacturne ex stops LBS attaching Holon pokes, but really, that's only helpful if you dont KO any Lugia ex that they are sending out; which is what you should be doing. If you dont KO them, well, most LBS play 1 Switch, and Blissey ex. So that's at least another ko for them.

Anyways, I'm not saying that Blaze/Cacturne ex can't win; but I dont think it's got LBS killer written all over it.

I'm not saying the deck the person at League used is good or bad, but maybe they beat LBS because the LBS player used a certain variation of the deck. Here are most of the techs LBS uses:

Celebi ex
Blissey ex
Latios or Latias 'star'
Mr. Mime Ditto
Mew ex
POW! Hand Extension(usually 1)

These are just a few of what they use. I've said this once and I'll say it again..LBS is such a flexible , powerful, and STRATEGICALLY DESINGED deck that there really is no for sure way to beat it. It can recover quickly and most importantly it can set up quickly. But the only Pokemon that holds the deck together is...NO not Pidgeot, it just searches for cards.....BLASTOISE EX! Duuuuh..of course it supplies the energies, the speed, and the use of all the techs for the deck. If you can take this card out before it hits the field even if they have Pidgeot out, I'm sure you'll have a 99% chance of winning.
RE:  LBS killer

Andyman said:
Everyone wants a good lecture from me don't they?

Now Kaito as I was saying Energy Raining kills this deck. Nosepass can add a bit off damage to Steelix or Onix. Now Nosepass does first turn Draw a card. Then the LBS player will mentor always. Thinkin Nosepass aint a threat. After they try to get something up to kill Nosepass or a bench Cacturne ex or Blaziken. Now Blazikens attak will do more and kill Steelix. Mostly LBS players won't play 2 Steelix a game cause they don't need to. But Battle Frontier will help with Pidgeot if they arent using Power Tree yet. Then if they can't get it they normally play Jarichi and Wishing Star for one. Now Steelix can't kill Blaz and Cacturne right away. And that helps add more for Blaz as I said. This deck can shut LBS PERIOD! So if your thinkin that this can get killed by LBS your totally wrong. For Katio, don't try and find another way cause your just gonna get a huge Paragraph from me telling you your wrong. Steelix is no problem to this deck. It will knock it self out with all those damage counters. And the bench is no safe place for this deck.
**Whoah** typing so much just to tell people their wrong.

LBS CAN beat that deck PERIOD. It will hit the bench, use Blastiose, Mr. Mime, and even Latios 'star'(the one that targets ex's). I've also seen it played with Kingdra(TRR).