The deck sounds good, but I'd have to agree with Waliken. A lot of LBS play Blissey ex, which will undo all the nosepass damage done at the beginning. I think Cacturne/Blaziken may have an edge against LBS if the LBS player hasn't played a deck like it before, and get startled by not being able to attach holon pokemon to their active.
There are a couple of problems I see with the current Cacturne/Blaziken deck. Firstly, it doesn't play any searching what-so-ever, so it could be very hard to Frontier lock them. Also, you only play basic energies, so it'll take you 3 turns to get out someone doing decent damage. That seems like too long against a deck like LBS.
I also dont know why steelix must be in this matchup. IMO, LBS would do well focusing on Blastoise ex/Lugia ex. Blastoise ex can OHKO anything in Cact/Blaz except for Cacturne ex. LBS should just OHKO each Cacturne ex you send out, with Lugia ex, and everyone else, with Blastoise ex. BLS can take your Cacnturne ex's down prize for prize with Lugia ex, and take your Blazikens down without losing a prize, so I dont see what LBS have to be too afraid of. Sure, Cacturne ex stops LBS attaching Holon pokes, but really, that's only helpful if you dont KO any Lugia ex that they are sending out; which is what you should be doing. If you dont KO them, well, most LBS play 1 Switch, and Blissey ex. So that's at least another ko for them.
Anyways, I'm not saying that Blaze/Cacturne ex can't win; but I dont think it's got LBS killer written all over it.