i have been wanting to make this deck and i finally got a tangrowth x so here it is
2-2-1 leafeon x
1-1-1 tangrowth x
2-2 sunflora HS
2-2 roserade UD
1 smeargle
1 sableye
18 poke
2 pokemon communication
4 bebe
2 collector
14 T/S/S
28 {G} energy
set up leafeon quick for quick energy attaching. attach most energies to leafeon. once leafeon is KOed send in tangrowth lvl up and get all the energies back (usually about...6-8) then finish up with a roserade with its power blow and constant confusion. only problem is tangrowths retreat. i just put 3 energies on him and then retreat him but thats 3 energies down the drain. any help on that? i like this deck its pretty good so far but i havnt faced anything good with it...
2-2-1 leafeon x
1-1-1 tangrowth x
2-2 sunflora HS
2-2 roserade UD
1 smeargle
1 sableye
18 poke
2 pokemon communication
4 bebe
2 collector
14 T/S/S
28 {G} energy
set up leafeon quick for quick energy attaching. attach most energies to leafeon. once leafeon is KOed send in tangrowth lvl up and get all the energies back (usually about...6-8) then finish up with a roserade with its power blow and constant confusion. only problem is tangrowths retreat. i just put 3 energies on him and then retreat him but thats 3 energies down the drain. any help on that? i like this deck its pretty good so far but i havnt faced anything good with it...