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Leafeon Madness

Raí Müller

Aspiring Trainer
3x Eevee [RR]
3x Leafeon [UD]
3x Magmar
3x Magmortar
2x Skuntank G
3x Uxie
1x Dialga G
1x Dialga G Lv.X
1x Azelf
2x Unown Q
22x Pokemon

4x BTS
4x Poké Drawer
4x Poke Dex
3x Pokemon Collector's
3x Bebe's Search
1x Luxury Ball
1x Palmer's
4x Seeker
3x SSU
1x Warp Point
30x Trainers

2x Warp Energy
3x Rescue Energy
3x {G}
8x Energy

Just got myself thinking about this card (Leafeon[UD]), and tried to make a deck based on him, so basically the strategy is to have Magmortar/Skuntank to affect defending pokemon with special conditions, then do massive damage at the cost of 1 energy. Recover Energy are there cause of the Skuntank, Seekers/SSU mainly for Magmortar, Warp Energy/Warp Point for Dialga G Lv. X(Steelix/Vileplume "Counter")
Any Advices?
I see Leafeon from undaunted be run with Beautifly from Platinum or Venusaur from Supreme Victors.
NO Pokémon possesses more win than Magmortar. Never forget that. However, in this deck, Blaziken is a bit too slow, and Magmortar can inflict 2 conditions, which makes him a better choice.
This deck is best with Roserade UL and rainbow energy. Poisoned and confused when you attach the rainbow is very nice.
I'd take out one of the Poké Dex's for a Leafia/Leafeon Lv.X & maybe one of the SSU's for an extra Dialga G.