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Leafeon UD/Magmortar SV (MD-On)


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 26
4-3-1 Leafeon (3 MD 1 RR, 3 UD, 1 LvX)
0-1 Umbreon (MD)
4-4 Magmortar SV
1-1 Blaziken FB
2 Crobat G
1 Skuntank G
2 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA
1 Unown Q

T/S/S: 25
4 Bebe's Search
3 Cyrus's Consipracy
2 Pokemon Collector
2 Broken Time-Space
1 Stark Mountain
1 Luxury Ball
4 Pokemon Communication
4 PokeTurn
4 Super Scoop Up

Energy: 9
4 Call
4 Fire
1 Grass

Abuse Evolutionary Flame, deal huge damage with Miasma Wind.
Have you consider Muk from UD?
Or even better Beautifly from Platinium, can burn paralize and sleep if i'm not mistaken
Litdaze said:
Have you consider Muk from UD?
Or even better Beautifly from Platinium, can burn paralize and sleep if i'm not mistaken
Way, way too slow.
I dunno, going by Beautifly PL's text it would seem that I need several energy CARDS attatched to it. Either way, it still requires me to use a turn attacking as opposed to simply evolving a benched Magmar.
do you think you might want to add hypno and houndoom every turn you flip a coin and then if heads theres a status prob houndoom might work with blaziken fb

Why a grass energy? why crobat g
I dunno, those two are a bit flippy. Not saying they couldn't work, of course.

Grass Energy can be awesome with Leafeon's Soothing Scent attack. Crobat G helps me deal any additional damage to help me get closer and closer to that KO.
How about Darkrai MD? Lands an auto-sleep when you play it on your bench. Although then it becomes a Bench-sitter...

Maybe add 2 BTS. After all, Leafeon needs only 1 Colorless to deal damage, so it's easy to set up with BTS on the field. Magmar can easily evolve to Magmortar too.
Bumping again, I don't think the SP engine is working out so well for the most part. Thinking of dropping it sans Blaziken FB and readding Roserade UL lines and Rainbow Energies.
What about Magmortar Lvl. X from MT? It can inflict burn every turn with torrid wave but you'll have to sacrifice two magmortars to accomadate them.
This being the casual deck garage, I think it would be fine to use cards that have been rotated out. Since they wont be in a competiton.[/align]
maybe blaziken platinum could help better than magmortar just slower but easy fixed with bts or rare candy

beatifly need energy units not cards double colorless gives 2 units
Beautifly is still far too slow for my liking.

I also hadn't realized that Blaziken was from Platinum. I should consider it.
there's something about following the rules that makes you feel good

this deck completely depends on what is your main power: magmortar or leafeon. if leafeon, then run roserade and darkrai MD and just abuse Miasma wind. If you dont wanna depend on miasma wind, i like using a combee sideline bcause combee can also poison if vespiquen has damage
Magmortar is far too slow. You drop it, Evolutionary Flame, and then it just sits there. It's attacks are medicore at best. You then have to burn(no pun intended) a SSU to make use of it again. IMO, the best build of this deck(and the one i'm currently trying to employ) is straight 4-4 Roserade UL, 4-4 Leafeon UD. Then, depending on your taste, maybe a 1-1 Dugtrio PL for retreat pain, or a 1-1 Houndoom Prime if you feel lucky enough to flip heads. With my luck, it's Dugtrio all the way. I also don't have Houndoom Prime anyways.
If you're concerned about speed, add 2 BTS. Miasma Valley also helps spread damage even further, and fits with Leafeon's main attack(Miasma....) Only other thing i'd suggest is some sort of healing element. That's also why I'm here, truth be told. Like I said, i'm making the same deck more or less, and I want a way to heal Roserade of all the Rainbow Energy damage so it can be a viable second attacker late game. SSU is really all I've come up with so far, which obviously won't work.... Possibly PokeHealer but IDK.