League Question Plz Help


Aspiring Trainer
Ok me and my friend started a new league but since the start of my our new league there were 2 holidays. We are planning on having a new league friday but our status on pokemon.com says are league is overdue ive tried contacting them and they have not answer. Are we allowed to have a pokemon league on friday or not because im worried about our league being taken away.
RE: League Question please Help

Your league status likely says overdue because you have not completed a report for a previous season. Once you do that you should be able to order the new season's supplies. You are still able to hold league if your status is overdue, however, you will not be able to order any new materials until you complete a report.
the only problem with that theory is we just started this season and the two times we could of help leagues were holiday events and we couldnt actually hold the league there was only 2 times we could of done them and are place was closed for the holidays.

and also they havent given us any new player id cards to have people fill out we tried ordering and the wont ship it so idk what they plan for us to do.
I have learned that TPCi is printing up more ID cards and is out of stock. Lots of leaders are waiting for them.

Try contacting other League Leaders in your area to see if they have extra ID cards they can provide to you. Check with your PTOs as well.