Ruling Ledgends Awaken Armaldo


Aspiring Trainer
1. Explain exactly what Armaldo's Pokebody does.

2. How does the effect of Armaldo's attack "Crush Claw" work?

If those effects work like I think they do, then Armaldo is a very powerful card. I have 2. :D
1. It reduces all damage after weakness that's under 60 into 0 damage, but he's still effected by special conditions.
2. If you hit with Crush claw any attack after that does 40 more damage. Say Armaldo gets knocked out, but did crush claw. The next pokemon gets a 40 damage boost, but if they switch pokemon then the plus 40 isn't applied.
So if Armaldo uses Crush Claw one turn and does 60 damage, then uses it consecutively after that, it does 100 damage every turn as long as its attack isn't interrupted. Right?
Not just Armaldo's attacks get a boost. If ANY attack hits that same, unswitched pokemon, its boosts. If a Chimchar uses scratch for 10, it magically becomes 50.
He may be Powerful, but the fact he comes from a fossil and requires 3 energy's to attack slow him down. If you use the registark combo he's going to be able to attack by T2, but by that time other decks can go off also. Just wish he didn't come from a fossil.
also if you kill the defending with armaldo then it's not the defending anymore so you would need to hit for 60 all over again.
I didn't know that. When I used Armaldo, I always put 100 damage on each new defending Pokemon my opponent sends out. Thanks for correcting that error. :D
Um... not really. Ok, lets do this:

You attack Pokemon A with Armaldo, that same Pokemon remains active and does not evolve. You then deal 100 to that Pokemon with Armaldo next turn. Assuming you knock out that Pokemon with that 100, they then bring up Pokemon B. When Armaldo attacks Pokemon B it deals 60.

The effect of dealing extra damage on placed on the Pokemon you attacked, not your Pokemon.

Now, if you want to be able to deal 100 damage a turn, you might want to try Metagross LA. It deals 50, then 100 every turn after as long as you keep attacking with the same Metagross and using the same attack. With Metagross, the effect of the extra damage is placed on Metagross, so if you KO something, you will still deal 100 next turn.
I didn´t understood. 60 damage, and next turn it will be more 40 damage to defending pokémon, but the card do not specify the pokémon. For me, Armaldo will continue doing 100 damage since its started attacking.
And you'd be wrong.

The +40 damage is applied "after Weakness and Resistance", which means the effect is on the Pokemon getting attacked -- your opponent's Pokemon.

If your opponent evolves or switches that Pokemon, the effect is removed.