So are there no Eelektrik (NVI) variants working out? Landorus-EX used to field a formidable deck even before it had Crobat (PHF) or Strong Energy to support it.
I think I saw Landorus a few times, but I don't think is common as TDK or Lugia decks.
I've been playing Rayquaza/Eels/Keldeo these weeks and it's probably the best Legacy deck I have right now. Good matchup with Sableye/Darkrai, V-Create Victini helps against Safeguard and VirGen... its biggest problem is with certain non-EX decks like Weavile/Eggs, Tool Drop and Garchomp/Altaria.
Other things I've played include Reshiram/Typhlosion, Keldeo/Blastoise (or Keldeo/Feraligatr to get past Ability lock) and Weavile/Eggs - the latter being a list that I don't want to touch until I get some Sableye and more Junk Arm, and that takes me to...
I suspect that one of the reasons decks are so unfocused is just how few people have played consistently the entire run of the PTCGO while doing an excellent job building their online collection. I mean, how many people can run Magneboar right now? Throw in the split focus; does a player worry about Legacy or Fates Collide?
Lots of decks I find in tournaments are still unfocused, but I think players' collections are improving. My first Legacy deck was a very poor Round list that I threw together thinking "I need to play Legacy to get more Legacy cards so why not see how it's like" and I managed to win a few tournaments where I wasn't squashed like a bug by some Reshisplosion or VirGen list.
After some point I moved onto Reshisplosion, tried oher archetypes I mentioned above and now I'm farming packs to get a few staples I really need like Junk Arm.
Personally I don't mind it is taking my focus away from Fates Collide; I finished the ladder recently and I'm always buying shop bundles despite the format of their packs, so I already have a few good new things, but Legacy is more attractive for me to put some work and thought on now because Standard... doesn't feel really good right now. It's too centralized in Night March vs. T1 item lock counters, the former being boring for me and the latter being even more anti-fun to be honest.
(I did use Vespiquen/Vileplume for ladder grinding these weeks but it's too "T1 item lock or you're wrecked" and at some point I just lost all the will to play it. Maybe my list wasn't the best and/or not being my style made playing it more difficult, but it's frustrating and too much like work for a game that's supposed to be fun.)
I remember people being worried that Legacy would stagnate fast because of the lack of new cards coming to refresh its metagame, but honestly, there are so many options of top-tier and rogue decks to try and it's a much slower metagame than Legacy. I think it's a format that people will always come back to when they get tired of Standard being too fast and full of onesided NM/T1 item lock matches.