• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

Alt. Format Legacy: Garchomp/Altaria [Budget]


Aspiring Trainer
4x Gible DRE
4x Gabite DRE (the good one)
4x Garchomp DRE (the good one)
4x Swablu DRE
4x Altaria DRE
2x Emolga LTR
1x Mr. Mime PLF
1x Jirachi EX PLB

3x Professor Juniper
3x Professor Oak's New Theory
3x N
1x Colress
1x Skyla

4x Level Ball
3x Junk Arm
2x Rare Candy
2x Super Rod
2x Silver Bangle
1x Tool Scrapper
1x Switch
1x Dowsing Machine/Life Dew

4x Blend Energy WLFM
5x Fighting Energy
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