Ruling Legal Trainers


Military dogs are the most loyal breed.
I've heard a rumor going around that the trainers from Dragon Frontiers are going out this coming September... this may be a stupid question but, (I'm pretty new to the game so I'm sure you'll all be helpful... right?) do trainers ever become illegal at battle roads tournaments because if my memory serves me correctly they didn't ask for the set at the last tournament I attended.

My brother has been telling me that they do and he is pretty good at the game but I need a second source before I believe him...

Lastly what sets will be legal come September, just so I know when building a deck...
Diamond and Pearl onwards will be the only legal sets come September 1st. So yes, anything before DP will be illegal unless the tournament is in unlimited format.
The set/collection number aren't necessary to put on your decklist for Trainers. But the cards themselves still have to be legal.