Legendary Attack

Team Rocket Fan

Team Rocket Lover and Humble Katy Cat!
My first Ubers Team


Leader-Supporter-Mew @ Light Clay
Ability: Synchronize
EVs: 252 HP / 128 Def / 128 SpD
Calm Nature
- Tailwind
- Reflect
- Light Screen
- Stealth Rock

Strategy: First of all, I chose Mew not only because he's my favourite Legendary, but also because he has access to all those moves and some really good stats. Light Clay will allow Mew's Dual Screens last a lot more. Sychronize will make Mew able of copying the Status Effect he's suffering from, and send it on the opponent. The Evs are clearly for a Supporter. Tailwind will help the inperfect speed of pokemon like Kyogre and Ho Oh. Stealth Rock is the best Entry Hazard f all, breaking Focus Sashes and being super effective on Walls like Lugia or hit really hard Ho Oh. Also, Mew unexpectable in Ubers and will surprise opponents.


Physical Sweeper-Ho-Oh @ Life Orb
Ability: Regenerator
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Sacred Fire
- Brave Bird
- Earthquake
- Zen Headbutt

Strategy: Life Orb can make Ho-Oh able of KOing almost everything in there with one strike! Regenerator will help with the opposing Stealth Rock, Jolly Nature to MAX Speed and as for the moveset: Sacred Fire is the main STAB attack being my favourite physical Fire Type attack that has a 50% chance to burn the target, Brave Bird, the strongest but also risky move that gains a STAB, Earthquake hits the dangerous Rock Types with high power and accurasy while Zen Headbutt is a move I chose for the last slot through really good with good flinch chance.


Special Sweeper-Kyogre @ Wise Glasses
Ability: Drizzle
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Water Spout
- Surf / Scald (Suggestions...)
- Ice Beam
- Thunder

Strategy: Wise Glasses boost Kyogre's power, Timid Nature lets it have a MAX Speed for performing an amazing deadly Water Spout along with the amazing Drizzle ability that boosts water type moves and makes Thunder have 100% accurasy. Surf has a bit more power bt Scald may also burn the opponent. Ice Beam for coverage.


Special Sweeper-Arceus @ Meadow Plate
Ability: Multitype
Shiny: No
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Judgment
- Ice Beam
- Flamethrower
- Thunderbolt

Strategy: Grass Arceus is the key for an amazing set of really importand types that can deal with eveything! Timid nature MAXes Speed and the moves: Judgment becomes Grass type and gains STAB and Meadow Plate boost. Ice Beam, Flamethrower and Thundderbolt are for coverage.


Special Sweeper-Xerneas @ Power Herb
Ability: Fairy Aura
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Geomancy
- Moonblast
- Flash Cannon
- Focus Blast

Fairy Aura boosts Moonblast power, Timid Nature MAXes Xerneas's Speed and now we have: The classic Power Herb and Geomancy Combination equal for 2 Quiver Dances in 1 turn, allowing Xerneas to easily be able to sweep. Flash Cannon and Focus Blast are 2 types not excisting in any other member of the team making Xerneas an importand pokemon for this team.

Physical Sweeper-

Rayquaza @ Muscle Band
Ability: Air Lock
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Claw
- ExtremeSpeed
- Stone Edge

Strategy: Muscle Band boosts Rayquaza's power, Air Lock makes opposing Drizzle and Draught form Kyogre / Groudon invincible. Jolly nature helps Rayquaza's sweep. 1 Dragon Dance and we're ready to go. Dragon Claw is a powerful STAB, Extreme Speed helps to battle against Deoxys and Stone Edge deals with Ice Types but also is a powerful move with higher Critical Hit chance.

What do you think?:D
OK, let's see.

First, Mew isn't a good idea as a hazard setter. Without any attacking moves, status moves, or phazing capability as well as without any form of recovery, Mew loses to common leads like Deoxys-S or Deoxys-D, dies very easily and is total setup bait for every sweeper in the tier. In other words, it is bad. In general, Mew doesn't function well in Ubers. Remove Mew completely and replace it with Deoxys-S or Deoxys-D. They are the best hazard setters and Dual Screeners in the tier.

Life Orb fully offensive Ho-oh isn't a good idea. With hazards weakness and lack of Roost as well as lack of bulk investment, Ho-oh dies early. Also, Speed investment on Ho-oh isn't a good idea. No matter what you do, change its ability to Adamant, use max HP and either full Attack or a combination of Attack and Special Defense. If you wanna stick with Life Orb, replace Zen Headbutt with Roost. If you wanna play Choice Band (best Ho-oh set in my opinion), replace Zen Headbutt with Sleep Talk so that Ho-oh can 95% of the time win against Darkrai (which is one of the reasons people run CB Ho-oh).

Wise Classes is a horrible item, and you shouldn't use it. Instead, run Choice Scarf on Kyogre. ScarfOgre is among the strongest Pokemon in Ubers. Choice Specs is also an option, with ridiculous power, but it's harder to use. I'd choose Scald over Surf in the case of the latter.

Arceus-Grass is a bad choice for an Arceus sweeper. Grass is a really bad offensive type, and Grass Arceus functions way better as a support Pokemon. If you wanna run a special sweeper Arceus, I recommend Arceus-Electric. Run Calm Mind, Ice Beam, Recover and Judgment.

Flash Cannon is an entirely redundant move on Xerneas that serves no purpose. Replace it with HP Fire in order to KO Scizor counters, or Thunder to deal with bulky Kyogre. Also, move about 100 EVs from Speed to HP; you do not need that much Speed investment with Geomancy.

Similar to Wise Glasses, Muscle Band is a bad item. Replace it with Life Orb on Rayquaza. Replace Dragon Claw with Outrage, Dragon Claw is very weak in the Ubers meta and you shouldn't run it. Finally, change Stone Edge for V-Create. V-Create is a must on every Rayquaza as it provides extreme power and important coverage.
Chaos Jackal said:
OK, let's see.

First, Mew isn't a good idea as a hazard setter. Without any attacking moves, status moves, or phazing capability as well as without any form of recovery, Mew loses to common leads like Deoxys-S or Deoxys-D, dies very easily and is total setup bait for every sweeper in the tier. In other words, it is bad. In general, Mew doesn't function well in Ubers. Remove Mew completely and replace it with Deoxys-S or Deoxys-D. They are the best hazard setters and Dual Screeners in the tier.

Life Orb fully offensive Ho-oh isn't a good idea. With hazards weakness and lack of Roost as well as lack of bulk investment, Ho-oh dies early. Also, Speed investment on Ho-oh isn't a good idea. No matter what you do, change its ability to Adamant, use max HP and either full Attack or a combination of Attack and Special Defense. If you wanna stick with Life Orb, replace Zen Headbutt with Roost. If you wanna play Choice Band (best Ho-oh set in my opinion), replace Zen Headbutt with Sleep Talk so that Ho-oh can 95% of the time win against Darkrai (which is one of the reasons people run CB Ho-oh).

Wise Classes is a horrible item, and you shouldn't use it. Instead, run Choice Scarf on Kyogre. ScarfOgre is among the strongest Pokemon in Ubers. Choice Specs is also an option, with ridiculous power, but it's harder to use. I'd choose Scald over Surf in the case of the latter.

Arceus-Grass is a bad choice for an Arceus sweeper. Grass is a really bad offensive type, and Grass Arceus functions way better as a support Pokemon. If you wanna run a special sweeper Arceus, I recommend Arceus-Electric. Run Calm Mind, Ice Beam, Recover and Judgment.

Flash Cannon is an entirely redundant move on Xerneas that serves no purpose. Replace it with HP Fire in order to KO Scizor counters, or Thunder to deal with bulky Kyogre. Also, move about 100 EVs from Speed to HP; you do not need that much Speed investment with Geomancy.

Similar to Wise Glasses, Muscle Band is a bad item. Replace it with Life Orb on Rayquaza. Replace Dragon Claw with Outrage, Dragon Claw is very weak in the Ubers meta and you shouldn't run it. Finally, change Stone Edge for V-Create. V-Create is a must on every Rayquaza as it provides extreme power and important coverage.

Your suggestions are really good indeed!! I'm thinking of Deoxys-S now but I run Mew because he has accesss on the Dual Screens, Tailwind and Stealth Rock.
As for HoOh, I'll give it Life Orb and Roost instead of Zen Headbutt. Those Darkais are the most annoying pokemon in the world!!!! I'd like to have Sleep Talk, but then I'd have to leave Earthquake thing that I won't. As for the Evs if I keep Tailwind Mew I'll run Spd Adamant, if I go with Deoxys I'll run Max Def and Atk. Also I'll give him a Life Orb. But could you pls tell me what HoOh CB pls?
As for Kyogre I'll go with Max SpAtk and 252 Evs in Spd with Choise Scarf. I was also thinking of it before I made this threat and with a Water Spout it can kill everyone easily! I also choose Scald. As for Arceus, I'll go with your set! I was just thinking that it would be nice to have all those basic types in one! Xerneas's Flash Cannon will be changed for HP Fire to take down Scizor. I don't know about the Evs yet.
Rayquaza will have Life Orb from now on and I didn't actually know it could have V-Create. Thanx! I saw it's an event move. I'll add it instead of Stone Edge.
Thank you for everything!!!
I advise you to reconsider on Mew. Tailwind is a really gimmicky strategy in all forms of Singles, and Mew has so many flaws for the Ubers metagame it's painful. It's total Taunt bait and loses to many common leads of the Ubers metagame, while also being total setup fodder. I know it's your favorite, but it's really the biggest problem your team has by far. Mew is great in OU, but Ubers is just not the place for it. You can't have all your eggs in one basket. Running Dual Screens, hazards and the extremely gimmicky Tailwind in one Pokemon is overkill. You must have at least one attacking move, and I suggest you drop the Dual Screens concept entirely. Dual Screens won't help you if your opponent has an Arceus at +2 or +4 (which, by the way, completely runs over your team). Run a hazard suicide lead Deoxys, or, if you're so bent on Dual Screens, run a Klefki with Thunder Wave and Draining Kiss. Not Mew, and definitely not a Mew like that.
Chaos Jackal said:
I advise you to reconsider on Mew. Tailwind is a really gimmicky strategy in all forms of Singles, and Mew has so many flaws for the Ubers metagame it's painful. It's total Taunt bait and loses to many common leads of the Ubers metagame, while also being total setup fodder. I know it's your favorite, but it's really the biggest problem your team has by far. Mew is great in OU, but Ubers is just not the place for it. You can't have all your eggs in one basket. Running Dual Screens, hazards and the extremely gimmicky Tailwind in one Pokemon is overkill. You must have at least one attacking move, and I suggest you drop the Dual Screens concept entirely. Dual Screens won't help you if your opponent has an Arceus at +2 or +4 (which, by the way, completely runs over your team). Run a hazard suicide lead Deoxys, or, if you're so bent on Dual Screens, run a Klefki with Thunder Wave and Draining Kiss. Not Mew, and definitely not a Mew like that.

I'll switch it with Deoxys-S...Thanx!
Great team, but I recomend you use Surf over Scald for those bulky pokemon that resist Thunder. I think that you should drop Water Spout For Calm Mind, Substitute or Sleep Talk, as Kyogre has amazing Special bulk, he will be in the field for a while so you want him to hit hard. Calm Mind to hit harder, Sleep Talk for Darkrai or Substitute for basic reasons. As for the item I think Lefties will do good as imo, Kyogre is one hell of a Special pokemon, both offensively and defensively.
I agree to drop Mew, I think a Deoxys-D will do great because you are in need of defensive pokemon to stall out those tanks up there in UBERS, I do not have any suggestions on a moveset or EV spread, but I think you should run something like Recover, Stealth Rocks, a status move and a coverage move so you are not total taunt bait.
I believe that you should either change Arceus to a bulky moveset and EVs, or drop him completely for another defensive pokemon or another physical sweeper (as you only have 1).

Note that I am not very experienced in UBERS and prefer OU, so these suggestions are based mainy on the OU metagame and how it works, so the recomended changes might not be the best thing to go for.
Hope I helped. The suggestions aren't the best but at least take them into consideration.
UltimateInferno said:
Great team, but I recomend you use Surf over Scald for those bulky pokemon that resist Thunder. I think that you should drop Water Spout For Calm Mind, Substitute or Sleep Talk, as Kyogre has amazing Special bulk, he will be in the field for a while so you want him to hit hard. Calm Mind to hit harder, Sleep Talk for Darkrai or Substitute for basic reasons. As for the item I think Lefties will do good as imo, Kyogre is one hell of a Special pokemon, both offensively and defensively.
I agree to drop Mew, I think a Deoxys-D will do great because you are in need of defensive pokemon to stall out those tanks up there in UBERS, I do not have any suggestions on a moveset or EV spread, but I think you should run something like Recover, Stealth Rocks, a status move and a coverage move so you are not total taunt bait.
I believe that you should either change Arceus to a bulky moveset and EVs, or drop him completely for another defensive pokemon or another physical sweeper (as you only have 1).

Note that I am not very experienced in UBERS and prefer OU, so these suggestions are based mainy on the OU metagame and how it works, so the recomended changes might not be the best thing to go for.
Hope I helped. The suggestions aren't the best but at least take them into consideration.

Deoxys-D is great for leader too. Also i have both ho-oh and rayquaza for physical attackers. Your ideas are good and i'm happy to know you liked this team! Thaanx for posting!:D