Lets talk decks!

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10 sided fish of star FTW!
There are alot of decks floating around out there that are super good or highly played and to players new to the game or people like myself that haven't been introduced to these decks we are out of the loop when someone refers to theses decks...

Please post the deck type/name and maybe a short summery of it so all players can be up to late on the best and most played decks! and have an idea on how it works!

Thanks everyone!:cool:
Star Pokemon: Holons Castform, Metagross(1 DX 3 DS) and
Types:Electric, Metal
Play:Metagross DX and Dragonite DS to get energy from discard pile to benched Pokemon. Metagross DS deals damage for each energy you discard from your Pokemon. Holon's Castform great start + Energy.

Ludicargo: AKA King of the West
Star Pokemon: Ludicolo (Swing Dance DX) and Magcargo (DX)
Types: Water and DRE
Play: Magcargo searchs for a card and puts it on the top of your deck. Ludicolo draws card. So you set out a full bench. Then ludi attacks doing 10 damage for each Pokemon in play.

Star Pokemon: Flareon ex, Ariados.
Types: Grass, Fire, Multi
Play: Flareon burns and confuses when evolved so keep on bench. Ariados does more damage for each special Condition on Defending Pokemon.

Star Pokemon: Meganium ex, Steelix ex, Nidoqueen, Holons Magneton
Types: Grass, Holn's DRE
Play: Nidoqueen searches for Pokemon. Steelix attacks discarding 2 energy. Meganium uses power then attack Holon's DRE. Cycle continues. After awile Nidoqueen can do good damage too.

I'll update with more l8tr.
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