• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Lions, Bears, and Balloons! (Pyroar / Beartic / Drifblim)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 2-2 Pyroar
    2-2 Beartic
    2-2 Drifblim
    1x Dedenne
    1x Jirachi-EX

  • 4x Ultra Ball
    4x Silver Bangle
    2x VS Seeker
    2x Switch
    3x Enhanced Hammer
    2x Crushing Hammer
    1x Escape Rope
    2x Professor's Letter
    1x Startling Megaphone

    1x Computer Search

    4x Professor Juniper
    4x N
    2x Skyla
    1x Lysandre
    1x Teammates

  • 4x Double Colorless Energy
    3x Water Energy
    5x Fire Energy

Tons of great meta cards in Pyroar, Drifblim, and Beartic. Disrupt and counter using Hammers and those three. Dedenne is great against Lugia and Yveltal!
RE: Lions, Tigers, and Bears! Oh my! (Pyroar / Beartic / Raikou-EX)

That's a very creative deck name, but I don't think you're going to be able to use Raikou efficiently without some form of Energy acceleration. If you were to take it out, you could replace the Lightning with DCE.
RE: Lions, Tigers, and Bears! Oh my! (Pyroar / Beartic / Raikou-EX)

Wow, I got really mixed up on the energy counts for the attacks!

-2 Raikou-EX
-3 Lighting Energy
-4 Rainbow Energy
-4 Muscle Band

+1 Drifloon
+1 Drifblim
+1 Dedenne
+2 Fire Energy
+4 Double Colorless Energy
+4 Silver Bangle