Well, I was just on pokemon.com looking for leagues around my area. The closest league to where I live 67 miles away -____- Leagues sound really fun and everything, but I'm not going to drive 67 miles to one every week with gas the way it is. Also the nearest Battle Roads is 99 miles away and there is really no local tournaments around here. I did go to the Triumphant prerelease last year(same place where that Battle Roads is being held), but that was a one-time thing unless one pops up closer.
So I guess the point of this thread is: do you have to travel great distances to P!P events and can you think of any ways to these events to people who can't attend them?
So I guess the point of this thread is: do you have to travel great distances to P!P events and can you think of any ways to these events to people who can't attend them?