lock decks


(i dont really know where to post this plz move or delete and tell me where to put it)

ok me and my brothers have a reputation of lock decks also getting the name of lock brothers or sometimes we are called lock twins(it sounds better?)anyway we are always playing sablock and win most of the time because when we enter we scope seniors for 3-5 minutes and decide to change anything or not well we want to know what are the still good lock decks right now we dont want deck list just asking for a list of decks still ok to play in the format we are not looking for specific lock any is fine also please tell us what it locks(eg:sablock=hand lock)we dont care also if it does a secondary tactic like lockchamp.
I since he's talking about lock decks, this belongs in the State of the Game forum.

Sablelock is always good. IMO it's the best lock deck out here. Since one of it's major problems is damage output, a lot of people tech in 1-1, 2-2, or 2-1 Blaziken FB X for more damage and field control.

Of course, Vilegar is always out there, and it is easily a lock deck.
Lock Decks:

-Vilegar/Vilechamp/Vilepluff (Trainer Lock)
-Gigas (Power Lock)
-Glistomb (Trainer/Status Lock)
-Magnetomb (Trainer Lock)
-Sablelock (Hand Lock)
Also have [I just thought of this wile reading this thread and if you read my sig you will understand the lack of name.]

Umbreon UD + Mightyena LA + Dialga G + Sableye\Mismaguis PL.

You essentialy lock attack with Mighty and Umbreon, trainers with Dialga G, and either hand with Sableye, or lock Gyra with Mismaguis.
I have a total lock deck I'm trying to perfect for states. It power locks, special conditions, hand locks, draw locks, and attack locks. I hope I work out the kinks. Then I can beat anything and everything.
anyway, power lock is achieved with glaceon x. Attack lock with giratina x. And topdeck is controlled by slowking. Draw is also semi locked with glaceon cuz they can't uxie setup. But dialga g x is its threat.. :( so you have to tech in something to KO dgx. Personally I like to snipe dg while it's benched, then using giratina x, KO it if it becomes active, or still KO it while it's benched and send it to the lost zone so they can't palmer's it back.

there is also chatot g and mesprint that can do these things.
Check out my article on 6P for an indepth look into 2 cool locking decks, Flygon/Eggs and Cacturne PL.
Umbreon Lock works as well, just run 3 UD and some Sp dark and keep your opponents from killing you.
Umbreon UD and Scizor Prime lock works pretty well. No Special Energies, Poke Bodies, or Poke Powers for your opponents
AmphyLock works well too. Last format, Ampharos SW worked for locking powers in conjunction with Ampharos PL. You either use a Supporter and effectively give up your Powers for the rest of the game, or go without Supporter usage for the rest of the game.

Now it's a bit different with the use of Crobat G and the SP engine. Lanturn Prime also works as a great back-up attacker. My version is the DP-On one, using the Jamming Ampharos with Vileplume UD to lock trainers.
Gyarados AMU isn't all that bad. It lost the Azelf in Mysterious Treasures, so the SP Matchup isn't as good as it used to be, but with Mesprit and Judge, it can proceed to lock or disrupt your opponent. (Power/Hand lock.)
^Some lists also ran Mesprit MT (Upper Material, RC for all Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf becomes 0)- I know Mychael Bryan's did, at least. It did work pretty well for disruption, but, as you said, lost a major advantage over SP with the loss of Azelf MT.
thx everybody we have been looking and we kinda want to play dialga chomp considering its partly locking but we would appretiate more options
from what i heard roserade lock is good. uses roserade GL + roserade UL + luxray GL LV.x its a drag and lock deck plus special conditions.
my favourite lock deck has to be vileplume UD and Victreebel TR, use vileplume to block trainers and use victreebel to lock opponent retreating and hit hard, takes a while to set up but once it is it can beat nearly every deck