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Lock Down for What (Dragonite / Garbodor / Seismitoad EX) BCR-On

Card Slinger J

Aspiring Trainer


  • 3-1-3 Dragonite (Plasma Freeze)
    3-3 Garbodor (Dragons Exalted/Plasma Freeze/Legendary Treasures)
    3 Seismitoad EX (Furious Fists)
    2 Kangaskhan (Plasma Blast)

  • 4 N
    4 Skyla
    4 Rare Candy
    4 Professor Sycamore
    3 Battle Reporter
    3 Float Stone
    3 Silver Bangle
    3 Red Card
    2 Sacred Ash

  • 8 Grass
    4 DCE

Strategy is to Item Lock your opponent by opening the game with Seismitoad EX using Quaking Punch for a DCE while you setup Dragonite to use Deafen for another DCE attachment and an extra energy. Garbodor is in here to lock Abilities with Garbotoxin with Float Stone attached while Battle Reporter (new Copycat) takes advantage of your opponent's Item cards in hand for drawpower. Red Card disrupts your opponent's hand just like with N while the rest of the Trainers and Supporters in here are self explainatory and Kangaskhan is in here for Call for Family which I could replace with Dedenne.

I can't decide which Standard deck I want to build post-Furious Fists either this or Blaziken/Raichu which shows signs of promise due to having nice damage output given the amount of setup it takes to get going. I got Blaziken/Raichu half way finished minus the Stage 2 line for Blaziken and I've been thinking about running Seismitoad EX for Quaking Punch in there but I feel it could be more effective in this deck than in Blaziken/Raichu which provides an answer to Yveltal/Darkrai/Garbodor, Empoleon/Dusknoir, Yeti, and VirGen which I doubt is still played anymore due to Charizard/Pyroar.

Comments, advice, and/or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
RE: Lock Down for What (Dragonite/Garbodor/Seismitoad EX) BCR-On

I would think to have more of an attacker line. I feel that doing 30 and 60 damage with a stage 2 line isn't worth it. However I would like to see the Blaziken/Raichu.
RE: Lock Down for What (Dragonite/Garbodor/Seismitoad EX) BCR-On

So you think I should stick with Blaziken/Raichu instead? Since you asked for it here's the decklist -

Pokemon (16)

3-1-3 Blaziken (Furious Fists)
2-2 Raichu (X/Y)
1-1 Leafeon (Plasma Freeze)
3 Kangaskhan (Plasma Blast)

Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums (31)

4 N
4 Skyla
4 Rare Candy
4 Fiery Torch
3 Blacksmith
3 Professor Sycamore
3 Roller Skates
3 Great Ball
3 Silver Bangle

Energy (15)

11 Fire
4 Double Colorless Energy

Deck Total (60)
So why do you need Seismitoad AND Dragonite? Don't they serve the same purpose? Since Seismitoad requires much less setup, I would be tempted to just scrap the entire Dragonite line. You'd have much more space.
True I know Dragonite and Seismitoad serve the same purpose but I was hoping to turn the combination into a good Stage 2 deck. With that being said I think I'll just stick to Blaziken/Raichu since I already have it two-thirds of the way finished.