Wi-Fi Trades Looking for 5/6IV Shinies

Black Wolf

Aspiring Trainer
Hi everyone,

I'm looking for various 5-6IV shinies which are nicknameable.
I have a few 6IV shinies myself, otherwise I have over 150 non IV shinies and I can trade 3 of your choice for a IV shiny. Some of my shinies are nicknameable, but most not. Most of them are from shiny hunts from my own Diamon/Platinum/Heart Gold or Soul Silver games. Some are from trades.
I'm not having much luck with shiny breeding now.
Shinies I'm looking for:
Bulbasaur, Charmander, Weedle, Pidgey, Vulpix, Meowth, Growlithe, Ponyta, Grimer, Chansey/Happiny, Eevee (multiple), Kabuto, Totodile, Mudkip, Mareep, Onix, Girafarig, Skarmory, Houndour, Phanpy, Shuppet, Absol, Burmy male, Riolu, Carnivine, Purrloin, Blitzle, Rufflet, Skiddo and Noibat.

If you have any of these shiny 5-6IV please Pm me or reply here with gender, nature, ability and iv spread. I'll add the list later of what shinies I have.

4IV shinies I have:
Porygon, jpn Amaura, Phantump and Latios.

5IV shinies I have:
Pyroar, Aerodactyl, Whimsicott, Zoroark, Cohagrigus, Hawlucha, Pangoro and Charmeleon.

6IV shinies I have:
Kyogre, jpn Stantler, Skorupi, Shaymin, Palkia, Kyurem, Hydreigon, Sylveon, Goodra, Walrein and Ninetales.

All of these pokemon will be clones. Also have a few event shinies or regular event pokemon and many more shiny pokemon with zero to 3 iv's.

Friend Code: 3582-9034-1513
IGN: Black (AS) or Brenda (Y)