Friend Code: 3067-6685-7898
In-game name(s): Kumar
Looking for: Trades
- Several Flawless 5 IV Timid and Modest Bagons (at least 20)
- 5 IV Flawless Modest Charmander (with Dragon Pulse)
- Shiny Aggron, Vanillish, Alomomola, Pidgeotto, and Volbeat (no IVs)
- 30 Rare Candies
- 8 Heart Scales
- 5 IV Flawless Thundurus, nature can be timid/modest/bold, any viable competitive nature
In-game name(s): Kumar
Looking for: Trades
- Several Flawless 5 IV Timid and Modest Bagons (at least 20)
- 5 IV Flawless Modest Charmander (with Dragon Pulse)
- Shiny Aggron, Vanillish, Alomomola, Pidgeotto, and Volbeat (no IVs)
- 30 Rare Candies
- 8 Heart Scales
- 5 IV Flawless Thundurus, nature can be timid/modest/bold, any viable competitive nature