Looking for a Decent Deck for a Tournament Next Week


Aspiring Trainer
Not sure if this is the right place to put this, but my local gaming club posted an event for next Sunday (18th) and they are running an expanded tournament. I haven't played in ages (think last deck I played was plasma-which I sold) and I was wondering if it was possible to build a competitive deck on a budget?

I have a MSceptile deck and probably just over half a "Round" deck using exploud I think.

Can anyone recommend a decent deck that I can build for around £50?

Any help would be awesome. Thanks in advance!!! :)
If you're looking for Expanded the Keldio/Rayquaza Battle Arena set gives you two halfway decent Expanded decks, which can be modified to become relatively competitive. They go for about $30 in the US, not sure what they would go for elsewhere.

The Keldio deck is Archie's Blastoise strategy, and the Rayquaza deck is the Dynomotor strategy.
Taking an existing deck(s) as @TheGuardian118 mentioned is a solid start given a limited budget since those decks will have some good staples (which if you bought individually could easily exceed your budget limit) that most good decks utilize. Afterwards, you can add other cards perhaps from your existing inventory. So, it would be helpful to know exactly what Expanded format cards you actually have and plan to get. At the point, more specific deck ideas can be offered.